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1、考研英语一2023年辽宁省葫芦岛市全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Just like a boxer, we , too come face to face with many opponents on the stage of lifeproblems and difficulties. Th

2、e bad news is that we dont really know when our 1 with these opponents occur. Here are several reasons why you should 2 yourself for success like a champion boxer!You dont practice on the stage, thats where your skills and your abilities are 3 This also means that you dont 4 solving problems and dev

3、eloping yourself when 5 occur, you prepare yourself to face them long 6 you actually face them.If you are talented, you probably need less 7 and training time in facing lifes challenges. Actually, for people who are born with 8 , training and learning becomes even more important 9 the lazy persons m

4、otto: “If it isnt broken, why fix it?” Why wait for your roof to leak in the 10 season when you can fix it right away. Act 11 Training enables you to gain intuition(直觉 )and reaction. With 12 practice and training, you build up your body, your mind and your heart and gain the intuition and reaction o

5、f a (n) 13 The same thing is true in life. Without training, you will 14 Without training, you will not be able to 15 how your enemy will hit you.Keep in mind that training is born out of discipline and 16 Even if you meet with some setbacks in your training process, 17 you keep at it and are confid

6、ent, you will soon see 18 in your life and when problems come, you will be like the champion 19 who stands tall and fights until the final round is over and youre 20 as the champion!1、AfriendshipsBchampionshipsCprogramsDmatches2、AtrainBofferCshowDbring3、AappreciatedBsharedCevaluatedDpromoted4、Afinis

7、hBstartCenjoyDpractice5、AchancesBproblemsCoccasionsDdangers6、AbeforeBafterCasDsince7、AconsiderationBattentionCpreparationDinstruction8、AdiseaseBambitionCtalentDbelief9、AUnderstandBAbandonCCondemnDRemember10、AcloudyBwindyCsunnyDrainy11、Aon timeBat timesCright awayDat last12、AconstantBrealCstableDquic

8、k13、AenemyBchampionCopponentDcoach14、Amix upBmess upCstand outDbreak out15、AcheckBproveChandleDpredict16、AconfidenceBexperienceCperformanceDimprovement17、AbeforeBunlessCuntilDif18、AexchangesBresultsCsetbacksDdisadvantages19、AjudgeBswimmerCboxerDrunner20、AclaimedBcalledCannouncedDelectedSection II Re

9、ading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Turtle time!, loudly called out by one of my newly-found friends, meant the beginning of either a morning or afte

10、rnoon shift at Turtle Camp in Nusa Penida, Indonesia. Upon arrival at the project each day, we would look eagerly for our names on the whiteboard to see which task we would be undertaking. Would it be the highly desirable turtle feeding, the pretty fun tank cleaning, the exciting medicine administer

11、ing or the less appealing fish cutting? Fine in theory but not when every fly in Indonesia decides to crowd onto these dead fish while youre cutting!Life at the turtle project was fun because twice a day we got to hang out with sea turtles. By hang out, I obviously meant work, as we were on shift, b

12、ut it certainly didnt feel like work. Another fun thing was getting to know the other volunteers! With volunteers from all over the world, it was just common to hear Finnish being spoken, Australian slang mixed with French expressions and Swedes making plans to visit newly-found friends in the USAOf

13、 course, not all the time at Turtle Camp was consumed by volunteering. Scheduled activities included a trip to Crystal Bay, a beautiful paradise for swimming and sunbathing, an awesome beach bonfire complete with a beautiful sunset as well as our local coworkers showing off their guitar playing and

14、singing skills.Our time at Turtle Camp was capped off by setting free two of our turtles into the sea to begin their journey as independent turtles! Hopefully, the love and care provided at the turtle project would ensure that these turtles had a greater chance of survival in the big, wide and scary

15、 ocean.1、Which task is less fun to the volunteers at Turtle Camp?ATurtle feeding.BTank cleaning.CMedicine Administering.DFish Cutting.2、What does the underlined sentence imply?AThe volunteering was a challenge.BThe time at the camp was difficult.CThe work at the project was a delight.DCommunication was time-consuming.3、When setting free the two turtles, the volunteers felt a sense of _.AachievementBbelongingClossDindepende


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