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1、考研英语一2023年思茅地区临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)An inspirational young man who wasnt expected to survive a climbing accident is fighting his way back to fitness and r

2、aising cash for those who saved his life.Callum Rocks family 1 the worst after their 16-year-old son suffered injuries. The 2 in the hospital lasted 12 hours to 3 his damaged body, including a severe brain injury. But despite fears that he might never walk again, Callum, now 20, has 4 everybody wron

3、g with his amazing recovery. Not only is he walking, but he has just 5 a 5-mile run in 50 minutes to raise money for the Great North Air Ambulance.Callum, who had to re-learn 6 , has come a very long way from the day henearly 7 the accident. Back then, his parents were living every moment with the f

4、ear they might 8 him.Mum Jan said: “He wasnt expected to survive 9 his injuries were so severe. There were five surgeons 10 to repair his artery(动脉). They had great 11 in stopping the bleeding.” Jan said the surgeons were “ 12 and Callum pulled through, but then followed a long 13 of re-building his

5、 body.Jan said: “When he first 14 his eyes, he couldnt do anything. He was just like a newborn baby again. He had to be 15 how to sit up and walk.” Callum admits that having to learn things again has been 16 . He jokes that he is like “the Iron Man”, 17 the scars on his right arm.His story has 18 a

6、local businessman, who donated 500 to Callum. With this generous donation, Callum has now 19 more than 1,800 for the air ambulance.“Its 20 to be able to raise money for them for what I owe them,” he said. “I owe so many people so much.1、AgesturedBdressedCfearedDconducted2、AprogramBinstructionCinterv

7、iewDoperation3、AshakeBrepairCcontrolDsupport4、AthoughtBmadeCprovedDkept5、AwatchedBdescribedCcompletedDabandoned6、AeverythingBnothingCsomethingDanything7、Adied fromBmet withCescaped fromDdreamt of8、AaffectBloseCharmDshock9、AorBsoCwhileDbecause10、AexpressingBweepingCworkingDlearning11、AdifficultyBexpe


9、edCcollectedDwasted20、AromanticBstrangeCsafeDgoodSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Its hair-raising news for criminals on the run. Scie

10、ntists behind a new study have worked out how to identify individuals only based on the proteins(蛋白质) in a single strand of their hair.While the police already look at DNA from hair as part of investigations, the technique is far from ideal: DNA is easily degradable, meaning it can only be analyzed

11、within a certain time period after the crime. But the new technique could even be used to solve historical or archaeological cases, making it far superior to DNA sequencing in many ways.DNA degradation depends on several environmental factors including temperature, humidity and PH. It is also affect

12、ed by the activity of bacteria and other microorganisms. In contrast, actual hairs can survive for a long time-sometimes centuries. After bones and teeth, hair is in fact one of the most resistant structures of the human body.In order to understand how the protein can be used to identify individuals

13、, it is important to understand mat proteins are coded by DNAThis means that a certain level of the genetic variation that we see in different peoples DNA passes into their proteins. In fact, genetic information in the DNA is translated into amino-acid chains that make up proteins.The method not onl

14、y allows for human identification but it can also reveal how old the sample is and what region it comes from, so that we can distinguish between current and ancient samples. But while the discovery is exciting, the technique is not quite polished enough to be used in the court room. The main task no

15、w will be to analyze hair samples from all over the world, which will make it a lot more reliable.The new discovery will boost the significance of hair as evidence in courts, at a time when some forensic(司法鉴定的) disciplines have been criticized in the US. It will also be of great use in archaeology.1、Whats the main idea of the passage?ADNA evidence is far from ideal.BCriminals on the run get hair-raising news.CScientists are planning a test of human hair.DHuma



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