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1、考研英语一2023年昌乐县临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The family had just movedThe young woman was feeling a little 1 It was Mothers Dayand 800 miles separated her from her

2、parentsShe had called them that morning,and her mother had 2 how colorful their backyard was 3 spring had arrived Later,she told her husband how she 4 those lilacs(丁香)in her parentsyard“I know where we can find some,”he said“Get the 5 and come on”So off they wentSome time later,they stopped at a hil

3、l and there were lilacs all roundThe young woman rushed up to the nearest 6 and buried her face in the flowersCarefully,she 7 someFinally,they returned to their car for the 8 homeThe woman sat smiling,surrounded by her 9 When they were near home,she shouted“stop”,got off quickly and 10 to a nearby n

4、ursing homeShe went to the end of the porch(门廊),where a(n) 11 patient was sitting in her wheelchair,and put the flowers into her lapThe two 12 ,bursting into laughter now and thenLater the young woman turned and ran back to her 13 As the car pulled away,the woman in the wheelchair 14 with a smile,an

5、d held the lilacs 15 “Mom,”the kids asked,“ 16 did you give her our flowers?”“It is Mothers Day,and she seems so 17 while I have all of youAnd anyone would be 18 by flowers”This satisfied the kids,but not the husbandThe next day he 19 some young lilacs around their yardI was the husbandNow,every May

6、,our yard is full of lilacsEvery Mothers Day our kids 20 purple lilacsAnd every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman1、AmovedBworriedCangryDdepressed2、A1earnedBimaginedCmentionedDrealized3、Anow thatBso thatCas ifDeven if4、AmissedBgrewCwateredDshowed5、AcarsBkidsCclothesD1ilacs6、AbushBhil


8、whenChowDwhere17、AquietBconfusedCaloneDpatient18、AcalmedBpersuadedCdisappointedDcheered19、AarrangedBdriedCplantedDhid20、AfindBgatherCreceiveDbuySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your ans

9、wers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Have you ever pressed the pedestrian button at a crosswalk and wondered if it really worked? Theyre called “placebo(安慰剂)buttons”一buttons that mechanically sound and can be pushed,but provide no functionality.In New York City, only about 100 of the 1, 000 c

10、rosswalk buttons actually function. Crosswalk signals were generally installed before traffic jam had reached todays levels.But while their function was taken over by more advanced systemssuch as automated lights or traffic sensors the physical buttons were often kept, rather than being replaced at

11、further expense. Other cities,such as Boston,Dallas and Seattle,have gone through a similar process, leaving them with their own placebo pedestrian buttons. In London, which has 6, 000 traffic signals, pressing the pedestrian button results in a reliable “Wait” light. But that doesnt necessarily mea

12、n that the “green man” or “pedestrian stage” in traffic signal design profession will appear any sooner.“We do have some crossings where the green light comes on automatically, but we still ask people to press the button because that enables accessible features, said Glynn Barton, director of networ

13、k management at Transport for London.These features, such as blind tracks and hearable traffic signals, help people with visual disorder cross the road and only function when the button is pressed. As for the lights, a growing number of them are now combined and become a part of an electronic system

14、 that detects traffic and adjusts time frequency accordingly (giving priority to buses if theyre running late, for example), which means that pressing the button has no effect.According to Langer, a Harvard psychologist, placebo buttons give us the illusion (错觉)of control and something to do in situ

15、ations where the alternative would be doing nothing. In the case of pedestrian crossings, they may even make us safer by forcing us to pay attention to our surroundings. “They serve a psychological purpose at the very least,” she added.1、Why are the physical buttons still kept in some cities?ABecause it may cost money to replace them.BBecause they remain as memories of a city.CBecause do have real functions in traffic.DBecause



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