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1、考研英语一漯河市郾城区2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Its 27 years since my last conversation with my mother, who didnt finish school like many of her contemporary girls

2、. She often told me, “I never got my 1 but one day you will.”Pointing to a tree or cow, she asked me to 2 their English names after her. Feeling 3 , I asked, “Mama, why do I have to learn these 4 phrases?” She held her pen right before my eyes. “Hold it firmly,” she 5 me, “for this pen and the new f

3、oreign language will be your compass to 6 around the world.” Sadly, my mother died of breast cancer when I was six.Turning seven, I traveled 30 miles to live closer to my school. But “closer” is a 7 term in Uganda, which 8 I had to get up as the 9 sun rose and then ran 8. 8 miles barefoot to school.

4、 Also, I needed to carry a stick in 10 of snakes and dogs. During the 11 season, the path to school was 12 daily and Id swim with one hand, using the other hand to 13 the book bag on my head.Research shows 70 percent of poor children dont 14 primary school in Uganda. Reasons for this 15 dropout rate

5、 includes the long 16 some children must 17 among many other reasons.Fortunately, Ive made it. Whenever I see the sun rise, I am 18 of the wisdom of my mother, who 19 me to dream big and to use the 20 of the pen to make my dream come true.1、AdegreeBscholarshipCrecommendationDadmission2、AreciteBuseCr


7、lockedDflooded13、AdragBholdCputDseize14、AattendBenterCcompleteDcontinue15、AconstantBsteadyClowDhigh16、AdistancesBperiodsClistsDstories17、AcoverBconsiderCjudgeDmeasure18、AinformedBwarnedCremindedDtold19、AenabledBinspiredCexpectedDintended20、AvalueBpowerCsymbolDlengthSection II Reading ComprehensionPa

8、rt ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 I.M. Pei, the Chinese-American, who was regarded as one of the last great modernist architects, has died at the age of 102.Although he

9、 worked mostly in the United States, Pei will always be remembered for a European project: His redevelopment of the Louvre Museum in Paris in the 1980s. He gave us the glass and metal pyramid in the main courtyard, along with three smaller pyramids and a vast subterranean (地下的) addition to the museu

10、m entrance.Pei was the first foreign architect to work on the Louvre in its long history, and initially his designs were fiercely opposed. But in the end, the French and everyone else were won over. Winning the fifth Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1983, he was thought as giving the 20th century “som

11、e of its most beautiful inside spaces and outside forms His talent and skill in the use of materials approach the level of poetry.”After studying architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard, Pei set up his own architectural practice in New York in 1955.Designing the John F.

12、 Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum in 1964 established him as a name. His East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington in 1978 changed peoples ideas of a museum. The site was an odd trapezoid (梯形) shape. Peis solution was to cut it in two. The resulting building was dramatic, light

13、 and elegant one of the first crowd-pleasing cathedrals of modern art.Though known as a modernist, and notable for his forms based on arrangements of simple geometric ( 几何的) shapes, he once urged Chinese architects to look more to their architectural tradition rather than designing in a western styl

14、e.In person, I.M. Pei was good-humored, charming and unusually modest. His working process was evolutionary, but innovation (创新) was never an intended goal.“Stylistic originality is not my purpose,” he said. “I want to find the originality in the time, the place and the problem.”1、What can we learn

15、about the result of redevelopment of the Louvre Museum?AIt was criticized by the French.BIt was a success.CIt made the Louvre Museum looks strange.DIt changed the function of the Louvre Museum.2、What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?AHe is a master in applying materials.BHe is skilled in writing poems.CHe often combines poetry and construction.DHe gets inspiration fr



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