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1、考研英语一吕梁地区文水县2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) When I was walking through the forest, I heard someone weeping. I 1 the sound of the soft cry until I saw a woman

2、sitting on the snow. Her eyes were filled with tears for her heavy 2 due to hard life. I sat on the cold snow with her and 3 her my shoulder and my ears.“What is your name?”, she asked. I smiled at her. 4 , my name is Jane, but to comfort her, I said, “My first name is 5 , my middle name is Hope and

3、 my last name is Compassion(同情) .” I saw a 6 smile come upon her face as I asked her “what is your name?” “My name is Ann 7 I had given up hope.” I read her a poem through which I 8 the message of self-worth to her. Others will 9 us when we love ourselves. 10 , it was important for one to have self-

4、 worth. After I shared the poem, we talked a while and then I picked a wild rose that was in the snow. It was 11 that there was a wild rose in such weather. I placed the rose in her hand and a big 12 appeared on her face. Then I felt kind of 13 at her change and handed her a piece of paper with my 1

5、4 on it. I walked away. She called me cheerfully the next day and expressed her 15 to me. She told me I truly 16 my name. Obviously, she had found her faith, her hope and her compassion.We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. 17 is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you 18 it, dont let

6、 it ever die. Life is too 19 to thank all the people who have encouraged us. We should receive and give encouragement rather than let unimportant things stand 20 our way.1、AheardBfollowedCreflectedDenjoyed2、AheartBheadCbodyDwaist3、AsharedBbroughtCfetchedDoffered4、AEventuallyBDeliberatelyCActuallyDSp


8、mentDrelief14、AnameBnumberCaddressDphoto15、AregretBapologyCgratitudeDconcern16、Alived up toBlooked up toCcame up toDmade up for17、APleasureBFriendshipCPassionDEncouragement18、ApasBreceiveCchooseDcreate19、AgoodBslowCshortDhappy20、AinBonCbyDunderSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read th

9、e following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Im learning to drive in Switzerland. I think it will be a good idea to learn now because I have plenty of free time and am earning a little money to pay for

10、lessons. I never learnt when I lived in the UK, so luckily driving on the “wrong” side isnt a problem.However, there are a lot of rules to remember. When you see a road to your right and there are no white lines on the ground, the cars to your right have the right to go before your car and you have

11、to stop for them. In practice, lots of people forget this and cars either wait for each other while both drivers try to remember what to do, or beep (鸣喇叭) at each other if both try to go at the same time!When you drive round a roundabout, you should check all your mirrors. To remember how to do this

12、, I often count them aloudone, two, threethen a second glance at your blind spot when youre in the roundabout. One friend came driving with me and after about an hour asked why on earth I was counting. He had passed his test so long ago, he couldnt remember ever having to check three mirrors!Driving

13、 still seems scary to me so I drive quite slowly. I also dont know the countryside roads very well and dont know whats coming up round the comer or over the next hill. I drive slowly so I feel safe, but my driving instructor tells me to speed up or cars will bump into me from behind or try to overta

14、ke somewhere dangerous. So driving slowly is just as dangerous as driving fast!Im not a very practical person so learning to drive has been a challenge. I dont have a lot of confidence and find it quite demotivating to do something that doesnt come naturally to me. To make driving more fun and inter

15、esting, I learn in Swiss German, so my instructor gives me instructions in Swiss. This way Ive tricked myself into enjoying driving and hopefully will pass the test!1、What can be inferred from the first paragraph?AIt isnt a proper time for the author to take driving lessons now.BDriving on the “wrong side” doesnt influence the author.CThe author was too poor to pay for driving lessons in Switzerland.DIt is easy for the author to get confused about the



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