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1、2023年河南省漯河市郾城区考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)“I have a letter for you,” my friend Kirsten told me on the phone. “I think its from your mother.” I was 1 , since

2、my mother had been 2 for seven years.A few weeks later Kirsten handed me the 3 dated Aug. 30, 2002. Aground then I was preparing for my pilot courses final exam at the 4 school. The students finished the training on 5 days.I was the first to 6 . My mothers letter 7 after I left. Kirsten picked it up

3、 from my mail-box, to keep 8 she next saw me. 9 , a few days later, when it was her turn to leave, she 10 the letter among the piles of papers she 11 packed into boxes. It 12 there for a decade, during which my mother died. In 2013, when Kirsten 13 some dusty belongings from her flying school days,

4、she 14 the letter.Its been two years since Kirsten gave me the letter which Ive carried on my long flights. But I havent 15 it yet. When I told some friends this, they 16 their heads. They said they wouldnt have been able to wait a second. Of course, I 17 -How could I not? -about her 18 in the envel

5、ope. Surely, I think, she had written to wish me luck, ask about my life and tell me the news from 19 to make me at case. However, for now its 20 to look at her handwriting on the envelope, and to remember that until I open it, I know Ill hear from her once more.1、Adelighted Bconfused Cterrified Dmo

6、ved2、Aback Blost Cdead Dsick3、Aenvelope Bpackage Cticket Dstamp4、Aart Bsports Cflight Dmilitary5、Ablessed Bhard Cparticular Ddifferent6、Aflee Bleave Cabandon Descape7、Alanded Breturned Cdisappeared Ddelivered8、Auntil Bwhen Cunless Dafter9、ASurely BThankfully CDoubtfully DUnfortunately10、Aremoved Bmi

7、splaced Chid Dunfolded11、Aslowly Bseriously Churriedly Dcarefully12、Aappeared Bstood Csettled Dremained13、Asorted through Bset down Cput down Dgot through14、Aposted Brecalled Cfound Daddressed15、Areceived Bopened Ctouched Dreplied16、Anodded Blifted Cshook Dlowered17、Acomplain Binquire Cworry Dwonder

8、18、Awords Binterests Cpuzzle Dsecret19、Anetwork Babroad Cpapers Dhome20、Aappropriate Benough Cfoolish DpoliteSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 point

9、s)Text 1 The world famous Boston Symphony Orchestra normally performs at Symphony Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. But its summer home is the Tanglewood Music Center in western Massachusetts.The Boston Symphony Orchestra also has a summer program at Tanglewood. It is designed for young singers, musici

10、ans and those who create musical works. Great composers like Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein and John Adams have worked There.Serge Koussevitzky led the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1940. At the time Europe was at war. The United States did not enter World War I until the end of 1941. Mr. Koussevit

11、zky persuaded people in the music industry to open a music school at Tanglewood, the BSOs summer home. He wanted young, gifted musicians toattend the school for free.But within two years, the program almost came to an end. “The BSO trustees(托管人) wanted to close the school because of the war and Kous

12、sevitzky was angry, and wrote a letter calling it an act of artistic vandalism(损坏). And he said, Now is the time when the world needs to be hearing this music,” says Jeremy Eichler, a music critic for The Boston Globe newspaper. “This music” was not Just works by Beethoven or Brahms. It was the soun

13、ds of the time.Mr. Koussevitzky chose composer Aaron Copland to head the school. “In establishing Aaron Copland as the head of the school not as the head of composition, he was making a very specific statementAnd I think he felt very strongly that paying attention to the music of ones own time is th

14、e way to ensure that there will be a future,” says Jeremy Eichler.Paul Hindemith was a refugee (难民) from the war in Europe. He was chosen as the first head of Tanglewoods music composition department. He and Copland decided that the school would be a place where composers write new musical works.The

15、ir first performance was Alleluia, a piece written by American composer Randall Thompson. Alleluia has opened the schools program every summer since it was first performed. Since it opened, Tanglewoods young musicians, singers and conductors have performed many new compositions. They include the first American performa


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