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1、考研英语一河南省焦作市2023年统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Johnny and I lived in a small neighborhood in 1955. We had bought our two young sons two 1 for Christmas and Johnny w

2、ould assemble them on Christmas Eve.But on Christmas Eve day, Johnny 2 to go to Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile to repair a jet. I had my hands 3 with flour, preparing for Christmas dinner and 4 two energetic boys.I was making the chocolate cake when a(n) 5 knocked on the door. It was Beatrice who

3、 was the 6 person on our road with a telephone. The base had 7 to say that a heavy torque wrench (扭矩扳手) had come apart in Johnnys hand, making the hone 8 . My sister-in-law Ruth and her husband, Otto, took me to the 9 while my mother-in-law stayed with the children.We got there only to 10 Johnny wit

4、h a cast on his arm, eager to get home although the doctor required that he 11 . It was Christmas Eve, Johnny 12 , and he had bikes to assemble for his boys. The doctor said hed consider 13 him the next morning if Johnny could find someone to drive him home.On Christmas morning, Johnny tried calling

5、 the motor pool (车辆调配所). They said 14 must come from higher up, so Johnny 15 making calls. 16 , a big blue car rolled up to the hospital asking for the man who needed a 17 home.Johnnys mother and I were putting dinner on the table when we heard the car. We were 18 to see Johnny. With Ottos help, Joh

6、nny assembled the boys gifts.That cold Christmas Day, our hearts were full of 19 for those who had gone the extra mile to bring us 20 on the holiday.1、AcarsBbicyclesCphonesDtoys2、AaskedBrefusedChadDused3、AfullBdecoratedCrelatedDfamiliar4、Asearching forBplaying withCworrying aboutDlooking after5、Astr

7、angerBengineerCoperatorDneighbor6、AlastBrightConlyDfirst7、ApausedBcalledCdecidedDintended8、AbrokenBdirtyCuglyDabandoned9、AbaseBhospitalCdestinationDstation10、AfindBsupplyC assistDequip11、AleaveBrestCstayDrelax12、AbelievedBimaginedCexpectedDargued13、AadmiringBdismissingCrewardingDassessing14、AideasBd

8、emandsCordersDpolicies15、AstartedBtriedCkeptDstopped16、ASuddenlyBFinallyCInstantlyDGradually17、AliftBrecipeCtripDvoyage18、AthrilledBembarrassedCmotivatedDterrified19、AgenerosityBconsiderationCkindnessDappreciation20、AcloseBapartCaroundDtogetherSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read th

9、e following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldnt agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a cold January e

10、vening, the two friends risked onto the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they threw a small stone to test it. Then they stepped on it. Believing the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then. He fell through the seemingly frozen ice.C

11、ruz rushed to help his frightened friendthe pond “ate” him too. Gruz managed to lift himself out of the water and onto a more reliable part. He then carefully made his way to Anthony. But the ice didnt hold, and he fell in again. This time he couldnt get out. The boys quickly lost feeling in their a

12、rms and legs. Cruz was sure he was going to die.Anthonys older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started screaming for help. John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes, and run int

13、o the freezing water. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and saved them back to land. They were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five-minute stay in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees.Fortunately, the boys have fully recovered, though they a

14、re still moved by their fearless neighbor. “Just to think,” says Gruz, “if he wasnt there, I could have died.”1、Why did Gruz and Anthony step on the ice?ATo go skating.BTo trap some birds.CTo settle a disagreement.DTo test the strength of the ice.2、How did Cruz feel when caught in the water?AHopeles

15、s.BPuzzled.CShocked.DCalm.3、What basically saved the two boys lives?AScreaming of an older sister.BBetter care of doctors.Clowering of their body temperature.DBrave act of a neighbor.4、What is the best title for the text?ATwo Boys Falling in the WaterBA Heroic Man to the RescueCDuck or Geese, It Is a QuestionDCuriosity Kills the CatText 2A company has designed a water bottle, the Me



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