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1、考研英语一贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州平塘县2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。DoubleAngelsItwasChristmasEve,andthestoresweregoingtobe

2、closingprettysoonIwastryingto 1 2 mywaythroughthecrowdswhenaguyinablackcoatcameuptome,toldmethathehadlosthisbrownleather 3 _andshovedhisgraybusinesscardintomyhandPleasecallmeatthenumberonthecardifyouhappentofindit,hesaidIlookedathim,shruggedmyshouldersand 4 _,Yeah,noproblemIlldothatSuddenly,Inoticed

3、aflat,greenbox 5 _undersomewrappingpaperIopenedituptofindanamazing 6 _platewithaNativitysceneonitThereitwasIsmiled_,gathereditupandheaded_ 7 thecashregisterAsthecashierwasringingupmy 8 _,Ireachedintomypockettogetmymoney 9 _mypocketwasempty!IbegantoscramblearoundsearchingeverypocketwhenI 10 _Ihadleft

4、mywalletathomeSoIdidtheonlythingIcouldthinkofatthatmoment:Iranoutsidethestoreandstartedtobegpeoplefor_SomelookedatmelikeIwascrazy;othersjust_meFinally,givingup,Islumpeddownonacoldbenchfeelingtotally 11 _IreacheddowntotiemyshoewhenIspotteda 12 13 walletlyingnexttothefrontlegofthebenchIwonderedifit 14

5、 15 bethewalletthatthemanintheblackcoathadlostIopeneditandreadthenameonthedriverslicenseinsideYepItwashisThenmymouthdroppedinawe 16 17 Idiscoveredthreehundreddollarsinside.IneverevenquestionedwhatIshoulddoIfoundanearbypayphoneandmadea/an_calltothenumberonthegraybusinesscardThemanwassoexcitedthatheth

6、ankedmeoverandoverThenheopenedupthewalletand 18 19 mefourtwenty-dollarbills,thankingmeagainandIhurriedtogetmymomapresentbeforethemallclosedIboughttheglassplateandstartedskatinghome, 20 _thateverythinghadworkedoutIrealizedthatIhadbeensortofaChristmasangelforthemanwhohadlosthiswallet,andthathehadbeent



9、ottenBmissedCfoundDrememberedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Many people wrongly think that cities dont have farms and fruits and veg

10、etables are only grown in the country. Believe it or not, there are more urban farms popping up in cities all over the world.Alexandra Sullivan, a food systems researcher in New York, studies urban agriculture. Urban agriculture is another name for farming and gardening in a city environment. Ms. Su

11、llivan studies everything from tiny gardens in empty lots between buildings to bigger fields that have been planted and grown. According to Ms. Sullivan, “Urban agriculture has existed since cities have, across the world.”The number of humans living in urban areas, or cities, is increasing. The amou

12、nt of people who wanted to garden in urban areas is also rising. Ms. Sullivan says, “In small gardens, on rooftops and indoors, city residents grow fruits, vegetables, grains, and herbs, and raise animals to produce milk, eggs, honey, and meat. City residents use these foods as supplements to food p

13、roduced by rural agriculture.” Even though some people who live in urban areas grow crops, urban residents still need to rely on food grown in rural areas. This is because a city doesnt have enough space to grow enough food for everyone living in it.In New York City, urban farmers have come up with

14、many different ways to grow their own produce, even though there isnt a lot of room. For example, Brooklyn Grange is a farming operation that has two rooftop vegetable farms in New York City. All together, the farms are made up of 2.5 acres of rooftop space. This makes Brooklyn Grange one of the lar

15、gest rooftop farming operations in the world.Brooklyn Grange grows all kinds of things. The farming company sells its vegetables to local residents and restaurants. And because the farms are on rooftops, they are specially adapted to their urban location. They use available space that is not needed for anything else. As more urban farmers find ways to grow food in cities, urban residents will be better able to get fresher materials for their meals.1、Which of the following is Ms. Su


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