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1、考研英语一江苏省盐城市响水县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In last few decades, terror attacks have become a great threat all over the world. They have aroused countless tho

2、ughts 1 me down. What can I do for those 2 people, the very victims and refugees.Last month when I got on a train, I took my seat 3 the carriage so that I would be facing forward. Later, a mother with her three children, one girl and two boys, 4 into the row of seats in front of me. The clothes the

3、woman was wearing were so 5 that I dont think you can find any 6 of the clothes at any shop. I was completely 7 by their beautiful simplicity. Clearly, they were not expensive, fancy or from a famous designer, 8 they were priceless.The little girls eyes and mine met and locked. She 9 and stared at m

4、e. I would receive the gift I had been longing for. I had 10 to connect with people from a culture that was recently suffering and in my 11 was a warm Pakistani family. I had a talk with her using the standard conversation 12 : How old are you? Where do you study? 13 as she was, the depth and width

5、of our conversation reached an amazing height. 14 was even more important was the unspoken talk. Her smile and trust 15 touched me.Our 50 minutes together 16 quickly but we will be always in each others hearts. Ive learned a great 17 from this experience: we all need to open our doors 18 others can

6、come in. Meanwhile, something amazing will happen when you 19 to others, because people come in 20 beautiful gifts.1、Apulling Btaking Cweighing Dcutting2、Adisturbed Binspired Cdisabled Ddepressed3、Aon the top of Bin the front of Cin the middle of Dat the end of4、Awalked Bbroke Csqueezed Djumped5、Afa

7、miliar Bdifferent Cfashionable Dfunny6、Aintroduction Btrace Cexplanation Dinvention7、Aattracted Bmoved Cconfused Dtired8、Aand Bso Cyet Dthough9、Acried Bscreamed Cshouted Dsmiled10、Aexpected Brefused Cdecided Dpretended11、Aheart Blife Cpresence Dappearance12、Aformat Bstarter Cstopper Dadvice13、AChild

8、ren BA child CA children DChild14、AWhat BIt CThat DWhich15、Asuddenly Bdeeply Cextremely Dslightly16、Aflew past Bgot out Ctook up Dleft for17、Aclass Bsubject Ccourse Dlesson18、Ain case Beven if Cnow that Dso that19、Agive up Bopen up Cgrow up Dmake up20、Abeyond Bwithin Cwith DwithoutSection II Reading

9、 ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The tornado last 4 minutes, to us, it felt like a lifetime.No sooner had we found coverage of the tornado from the TV t

10、han it was on top of us. It was the loudest thing I have ever heard. The wind began to roar through the house. We had three flights of steps to get to the first floor. The closet down there is underneath a brick staircase, which seemed like the strongest place in our house to wait things out.It felt

11、 as if there were no floor underneath me as the wind lifted me off my feet. As we finally reached the last flight of steps, our front door blew out. Glass flew everywhere. Suddenly, a three-foot-long tree branch whipped through the doorframe. It flew over our heads, missing us by inches. Had we been

12、 one step up, it would have impaled us.We got close to the staircase only to hear the loud sound of our garage door coming off. The back wall of the house followed and tore off into the darkness outside.By the time I reached the closet, the tornado had been over us for about a minute. Jimmy pushed m

13、e down to the closet floor, but he couldnt get inside himself because of the wind. I gripped Jimmys arm and tried to bring Jimmy with it. My knees were full of glass, but in that moment, I felt no pain. If I had let go, Jimmy would have flown right out the back of the house and into the bay. All of

14、a sudden, Jimmy lifted off his feet like people in tornadoes do in the movies. I thought he was gone. And then everything stopped. He landed on his feet. In those first quiet moments, I couldnt believe it was over.The storm lasted four minutes. In that time, four of the twelve town houses in our uni

15、t were completely destroyed. Of the houses left standing, ours suffered the most damage. Amazingly, none of us were severely injured.1、Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?AThey decided to hide in the brick staircase because it was the strongest place to hide.BIt was hard to make it to the first floo


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