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1、考研英语一红河哈尼族彝族自治州开远市2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)“Clevernessisagiftwhilekindnessisachoice.Giftsareeasytheyregivenafterall.Choicescanbehard.”IgotthetostartAmaz







8、C.amusingD.interesting【小题20】A.confidentB.regretfulC.hopefulD.proudSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Mention the word “coding” and the f

9、irst image that comes to mind is a complicated algorithm(运算法则)that has no relationship to the real world.It is,therefore,no wonder that most kids avoid learning this skill that is becoming increasingly important in todays world.Now,thanks to a small robot,even kids as young as five,will be demanding

10、 program.Root,a robot,can be accessed using an iPad.It has been designed to teach coding to kids at various levels.For beginners or young children,Root is less about coding but more about problem-solving.Kids can construct a “what if” situation by moving icons(图标)around on the tablet and observing t

11、he consequences of their action instantly.This simple “cause and effect” logic can be used to teach the robot to “drive” along a vertical dry-erase whiteboard and quickly draw with a dry-erase marker.Root can also be instructed to move around the floor,draw patterns,and avoid barriers.As students ge

12、t more comfortable with the concept,they can download commands,meaning that Root can be told to draw a race track on a whiteboard,and then multiple Root robots can be instructed to race each other.Other fun options include programming Root to go faster when driving over the color green and coming to

13、 a stop upon sensing the color red.Thats just the beginning of the possibilitiesRoot can also be taught to flee when it detects danger,which in this case is the beam from a flashlight,and even play “Angry Birds” on a whiteboard using real-world physics.Since multiple Roots can be used at the same ti

14、me,the robot is the perfect classroom tool to introduce coding to young kids.Raphael believes that this novel approach to coding will excite great interest because unlike the traditional method,Root makes coding fun for even the youngest of students.Unfortunately,the robot,successfully tested by kid

15、s in the laboratory,is not yet available for schools.The researchers estimate that Root will be sold for about $200, making it fairly affordable for anyone that wishes to learn how to code.1、Why are kids afraid to learn to code according to the author?AIt is very difficult for them to learn this ski

16、ll.BIt gets them more uncomfortable to use computers.CLearning code will cost them a large sum of money.DKids find it will have less fun playing computer games.2、The robot called Root helps kids to_.Achange kids study attitudes Bmove icons around more easilyCgreatly improve kids test marks Dfeel at ease when learning to code3、What do we know about the robot?AIt t



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