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1、考研英语一临沧地区双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县2023年押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) My husband kissed me goodbye, stroke (轻抚) the babys cheek and then rushed out of the door, into his busy

2、 day. With the cold of the morning fading, I fed my baby and it fell fast asleep. Usually I would place it in bed and quickly have the house somewhat in 1 .However, this morning, I stayed seated, just 2 , with the baby in my arms. The thoughts ran into 3 of the mornings with my husband, a father rus

3、hing out of the door to meet the obligations of life. It was only a small jump to thoughts of my own 4 .My mother passed away when I was ten, and as I looked 5 , I could see how much of a family man my dad was. He went to work every morning and 6 to his family every evening. He 7 food, clothing, war

4、mth, and protection. He was a faithful father.Setting the baby down, I dialed the 8 number. I had just realized the 9 of the ordinary the daily life going on around us that we often took for granted, and that it needed to be 10 .“Hi, Dad.” I said, 11 back tears.“Hey, Bud. How are you?” 12 was in his

5、 voice.“Fine, Im just calling to saythank you.” I got it out before my throat 13 too much for me to speak.“What for?”“For getting up and going to work every morning of my life. Now that I have my own 14 and I see my husband doing the same, I just wanted to thank you for being 15 .”There was 16 for a

6、 moment as my dad composed himself, and with a small 17 in his voice he said, “Youre welcome, Bud.”I dont remember much of the rest of the call, 18 that moment of revelation (显露) about my father, I will never forget. There are those who are known for their heroic 19 , and also those who are known fo

7、r their fortunes and fame, but it is the 20 everyday fathers who are the true heroes. Im thankful that my father was one of them.1、AuseBlineCorderDfashion2、AthinkingBdreamingCimaginingDpraying3、AconversationsBstrugglesCincidentsDmemories4、AbabyBhusbandCmotherDfather5、AoutBawayCbackDaround6、AmovedBre


9、15、AinspiringBfaithfulCconsiderateDadmirable16、ApeaceBcalmCsilenceDrest17、AtrembleBhesitationCpassionDsigh18、AandBbutCorDnor19、AideasBdeedsCremarksDwords20、AoutstandingBpatientCordinaryDhonestSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below e

10、ach text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Scientists say we are all born with a knack for mathematics. Every time we scan the cafeteria for a table that will fit all of our friends, were exercising the ancient estimation center in our brain.Stanislas

11、Dehaene was the first researcher to show that this part of the brain exists. In 1989, he met Mr. N who had suffered a serious brain injury. Mr. N couldnt recognize the number 5, or add 2 and 2. But he still knew that there are “about 50 minutes” in an hour. Dehaene drew an important conclusion from

12、his case: there must be two separate mathematical areas in our brains. One area is responsible for the math we learn in school, and the other judges approximate amounts.So what does the brains estimation center do for us? Harvard University researcher Elizabeth Spelke has spent a lot of time posing

13、math problems to preschoolers. When he asks 5-year-olds to solve a problem like 21+30, they cant do it. But he has also asked them questions such as, “Sarah has 21 candles and gets 30 more. John has 34 candles. Who has more candles?” It turns out preschoolers are great at solving questions like that

14、. Before theyve learned how to do math with numerals and symbols, their brains approximation centers are already hard at work.After we learn symbolic math, do we still have any use for our inborn math sense? Justin Halberda at Johns Hopkins University gave us an answer in his study. He challenged a

15、group of 14-year-olds with an approximation test: The kids stared at a computer screen and saw groups of yellow and blue dots flash by, too quickly to count. Then they had to say whether there had been more blue dots or yellow dots. The researchers found that most were able to answer correctly when there were 25 yellow dots and 10 blue ones. When the groups were closer in size, 11 yellow dots and 10 blue ones, fewer kids answered correct


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