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1、考研英语一芜湖市镜湖区2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In 2014, my boyfriend left me. What made it 1 was that he decided to end our relationship in December, weeks 2 both

2、my birthday and Christmas.Dad sent me some money for the 3 to cheer me up. With it, I could have done many 4 things, such as adding it to my saving account, but I didnt 5 ,I bought myself French cooking lessons. Id go to the lessons every 6 morning, and our little group, 12 of us,would listen sleepi

3、ly to 7 of different recipes. Afterwards, we would 8 with another student and try to make our dishes together, which usually 9 to please anyone else.Each week, the same faces would 10 to embarrass ourselves before the professional chefs and cook something that 11 looked like French dishes. Although

4、the classes didnt turn me into a 12 , they, as a matter of fact, gave me a 13 to talk to people who werent co-workers or friends, helping me 14 about my self-pity. It gave me a( n) 15 to take it easy on a Friday night, and get out of the house 16 on a Saturday morning.The world can sometimes feel ve

5、ry cold and cruel, so we d remember to 17 ourselves, every once in a while.Ill always be 18 to the few classes that I took. At a time when I was feeling so sad, it cheered me up to be 19 and irresponsible. And 20 I still don t know how to prepare a French recipe properly, Im still glad I got to eat,

6、 drink and laugh with all those friendly people.1、Abetter Bpublic Cworse Dsurprising2、Aahead of Bas of Cregardless of Dout of3、Ameeting Bholidays Coffers Ddiscounts4、Ainteresting Bexciting Ceasy Dresponsible5、AOtherwise BInstead CStill DSo6、ASaturday BFriday CThursday DSunday7、Asecret Binvention Cce

7、lebrations Ddescriptions8、Aput off Bgo off Cpair off Dsend off9、Afailed Bused Cdeserved Dserved10、Adare Bgather Cprepare Dexpect11、Aregularly Bquite Chardly Dconstantly12、Alawyer Bcook Cteacher Dspeaker13、Achance Brisk Ctest Droom14、Aworry Bset Ccare Dforget15、Aapology Bcause Cexcuse Ddream16、Atired

8、ly Bsleepily Cquickly Dproudly17、Atreat Bcure Cquit Dlimit18、Atrue Baddicted Cgrateful Dallergic19、Adutiful Bemotional Ccareful Ddisappointed20、Asince Bbecause Cif DthoughSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing

9、A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up to situations, and is hesitant to try new things. When with close friends, she becomes a leader who laughs loudly and chants, “Girls rule, boys drool.” But when that com

10、fort zone is not around her, she is shy and nervous.This has been challenging for me at times. “Shy” is not a word that I think has ever been used to describe me. But this has been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence. This year she moved to lap lane in swi

11、mming where she was preparing for a swim team. This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels. And this year she completed her first kids triathlon(三项全能).On Saturday, with a thunderstorm coming soon and my sons birthday party later in the day, we all went out in the dark of the morning

12、 for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon. We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her, we got all the equipment shed need, and we kept talking about the race. But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn, she held my leg a little harder and told

13、me she loved me a few too many times. She was nervous but trying to keep it together.And then it was her turn. From the second she jumped into the water, my heart soared. My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen. She dominated that swim, crushed that bike ride and

14、ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life. It wasnt because she did a sport or anything like that. It was because she was afraid of something and conquered that fear with confidence and a fire I hadnt seen before.A

15、ll day I would find myself just looking over at her and smiling. She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day. I won the chance to see my girl shine.Shine on, sweet baby.1、Kelly is nervous when _.Asituations are new to her Bshe changes into a leaderCshe is away from her mom Dboys are around


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