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1、考研英语一华坪县2023年模拟预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Years ago, we celebrated our oldest sons first birthday by holding a super party. I spent months 1 , cutting out handm

2、ade banners(横幅)and making all kinds of decorations. I kept 2 my husbands work as he built a cardboard city background. And I would lose 3 of my emotions when it didnt progress exactly as I 4 .I didnt know exactly why I stuck to 5 a party like that, but I felt this unspoken 6 . It was a feeling that

3、my 7 as a mom and my love for my son were tied to how 8 this party was. Actually my son was turning one year old, and he had no idea what was going on. 9 , this clearly meant nothing to him.I tried to 10 other people and maybe even prove something to myself, only to find it made me 11 . On his birth

4、day, I put on a ton of makeup(化妆品) to 12 my stress and smiled to our 13 even though I nearly broke down. It was the 14 party because of the memories attached to it! I ruined a 15 memory for me as a mother and decided to make a 16 .Last weekend, we celebrated my other son Hudsons sixth birthday. He a

5、sked a Ninjago theme, so a week before the party, I searched Amazon (a shopping website) and 17 a banner and some basic party materials as he 18 . On that day, we ordered a big meal and used disposable(一次性的)plates to avoid hours of cleaning up. The party was 19 but perfect. As Hudson went to bed tha

6、t night, he told me it was his best birthday ever.Parents 20 for kids does not lie in the complexity of celebrating kids birthday.1、AresearchingBpreparingCthinkingDstudying2、AignoringBdoubtingCfindingDchecking3、AcontrolBcountCsightDtrack4、AlearnedBexplainedCexpectedDpromised5、AdamagingBarrangingCatt


8、4、AworstBnewestCbestDbiggest15、AclearBbitterCpreciousDaccurate16、AmessBdealCjokeDchange17、AdesignedBpurchasedCmadeDwanted18、AtaughtBdidCdemandedDcommanded19、AsplendidBcomplicatedCplainDboring20、AaffectionBpraiseCsympathyDadviceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four

9、texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When she first started learning about the climate change from one of her elders, Fawn Sharp was invited on a helicopter flight over the Olympic Mountains to survey the Mount

10、Anderson glacier(冰川). But the glacier was gone, melted by the warming climate. Sharp had a deep sense of loss when she discovered the glacier wasnt there anymore.Loss is a growing issue for people working and living on the front lines of climate change. And that gave Jennifer Wren Atkinson, a full-t

11、ime lecturer at the University of Washington Bothell, US, an idea for a class.This term, she taught students on the Bothell campus about the emotional burdens of environmental study. She used the experiences of Nalive American tribes (部落) , scientists and activists, and asked her 24 students to face

12、 the reality that there is no easy fix - that this is such an intractable problem that theyre going to be dealing with it for the rest of their lives.”Student Cody Dillon used to be a climate science skeptic (怀疑论者) . Then he did his own reading and research, and changed his mind.Dillon wasnt going i

13、nto environmental work-he was a computer-science major. Yet,the potential for a worldwide environmental catastrophe seemed so real to him five years ago that he quit his job and became a full-time volunteer for an environmental group that worked on restoration (恢复) projects.Six months into the work,

14、 he decided that Alkinsons class was just what he was looking for - - a place where he could discuss his concerns about a changing climate.Atkinson said she hopes the class helped her students prepare themselves for the amount of environmental loss that will happen over their lifetimes.“We are alrea

15、dy changing the planet - . so many species are going to be lost, displaced or massively impacted (巨大影响的) ,”she said. “The future isnt going to be what they imagined.”1、Why did the author mention the case of Fawn Sharp?ATo lay a basis for Fawn Sharps further research.BTo prove Fawn Sharps work is similar to Atkinsons.CTo lead into the issue of loss caused by climate change.DTo show scientists concern about the Mount Anders


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