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1、考研英语一2023年绥化市高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Sarah lived on a farm with her family. She was 1 to learn to track, to identify each person and where they were going by

2、 the marks they left on the ground. And if her father couldnt teach her, shed teach herself.To the 2 of her family, she borrowed all their 3 and taught herself to recognize everyones footprints in the sand. More than once her father came outside shouting, “Sarah, bring me 4 my boots. ”Sarah develope

3、d the habit of walking around with her eyes fixed on the ground, 5 the comings and goings of every 6 in the place.She also developed the annoying habit of 7 everyone. What were you doing down at the dam, Jack? Youre not 8 to play there. ” “Did you find what you were 9 in the garage, Auntie?” and “Wh

4、o was the stranger visiting today wearing size ten boots, Mum?”After shed 10 every pair of shoes that everyone 11 , she turned to the farms animals. By this time 12 her victims had to admit, 13 , that she was good.Her best 14 came one evening when she said the horses front foot was 15 . Her father s

5、aid that the horse was 16 fine. Sarah 17 that its hoof (蹄)had a split. Sarahs father 18 the horses hoof.“Youre 19 . The hoof is split. How did you know?”“You can see it in its 20 . Sarah moved the horse away. “Look, its plain in the sand. “If you can tell it has a split hoof from that sand, youre pr

6、etty good,” said her father.1、Adetermined Bforced Cappointed Dencouraged2、Aexpectation Bannoyance Cdisappointment Ddelight3、Ashoes Bbooks Csocks Dtools4、Aup Boutside Cover Dback5、Aguiding Bhearing Cstudying Dpredicting6、Avehicle Bperson Canimal Dseason7、Asurprising Bcriticising Cquestioning Dchallen

7、ging8、Aprepared Binvited Cqualified Dallowed9、Acalling for Blooking for Cwaiting for Dfighting for10、Aworn Bcollected Cdestroyed Dmemorised11、Aowned Bborrowed Ctried Dbought12、Ayet Beven Calso Dstill13、Aguiltily Bapprovingly Cmerrily Dunwillingly14、Aperformance Btrick Cmagic Didea15、Atied Blost Cinj

8、ured Dstolen16、Asafely Bextremely Chardly Dperfectly17、Adoubted Bwondered Cinsisted Ddiscovered18、Ainspected Bsplit Ctreated Dfastened19、Alying Bjoking Cright Dcrazy20、Aboots Btracks Cjumps DhoofsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions bel

9、ow each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 An unconventional new initiative(首创)in Canada will soon allow doctors to prescribe art to their patientsby giving them free access to a local museum.Wandering through the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts(MMFA

10、),these patients and their loved ones will be able to feast their eyes on the peaceful collections of art.The initiative is the first of its kind in the world.And while you certainly cant replace a conventional treatment with a couple of paintings,the idea is for such“prescriptions”to assist a perso

11、ns current treatment plan.Under the new program,members of the Francophone Association of Doctors in Canada(MFDC)will be able to hand out up to 50 prescriptions for their patients.These prescriptions will be available for those with a wide range of mental and physical illnesses,and each of them will

12、 allow two adults and two children to visit the museum for free.“By offering free admission to a safe,welcoming place,a relaxing experience,a moment of relief,and an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones,MMFAMFDC Museum Prescriptions contribute to the patients well-being and recovery,”expla

13、ins a news conference from the MMFAIt may look a lot like a marketing effort for the museum but theres also increasing evidence that the display of visual art,especially if its showing nature,can have positive effects on health outcomes.In some ways,the benefits of looking at art appear a little sim

14、ilar to physical activity.A systematic review of clinical art therapy(疗法) found that visual art has significant and positive effects on depression,anxiety,mood,and self-esteem.Findings like these are slowly gaining attraction in the medical community,making artwork a higher priority(优先)in hospitals

15、around the world.In the US,nearly half of all health care institutions have reported including art in health care programming,such as art therapy and the placement of visual art in hospitals.With spaces dedicated(专用的)to art therapy and also a medical consultation room,the MMFA already provides services f



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