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1、阿里地区革吉县2023年考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I had to visit my sister in another town because her husband was very ill. My whole 1 couldnt go because school was

2、in session. My children stayed back in their fathers 2 , except for the youngest, who was just a year old. I was 3 about taking a train journey alone with my one-year-old daughter. However, I knew I had to go. So I gathered all my courage and 4 the train. After waving goodbye to my husband, I settle

3、d down.There were three other 5 in that carriage, and two of them were quite elderly, while one was a young man. My daughter was 6 , missing her dad. I tried to 7 her, but it didnt work. I tried giving her water and some biscuits, but her crying wouldnt 8 . By this time, I was getting worried about

4、the 9 being caused to the others. One of the old men was dozing (打瞌睡), but the other seemed to become very 10 . But however much I tried, the sobbing continued.Just then, the young man offered to take my baby into his 11 . He stood with her near the window and started 12 to her in a soft voice. My d

5、aughter stopped crying 13 , listening to his baby talk. I was both surprised and 14 , especially because the unhappy old man was now happily reading his book. The stranger 15 my daughter back once she fell asleep. I thanked the 16 worker repeatedly and settled down to 17 .During the long train journ

6、ey this young man 18 helped me. He fed my baby, sang to her and told her countless stories. I arrived at my 19 rested and grateful for this man who had come to my 20 .After so many years, I still remember this stranger on the train with a grateful heart.1、Acommunity Bcompany Cclass Dfamily2、Atrouble

7、 Bprotection Ccare Dneed3、Anervous Bhappy Clonely Dexcited4、Aboarded Btell Cspotted Dsigned5、Aconductors Bpassengers Cvisitors Dmothers6、Alaughing Bshouting Ctrembling Dcrying7、Atrick Bfrighten Ccomfort Dhug8、Astop Bcontinue Cspread Drise9、Aupset Bannoyance Cunhappiness Dpoverty10、Astupid Bquiet Can

8、gry Dsatisfied11、Atoys Barms Ccar Dconsideration12、Atalking Bscreaming Carguing Dexplaining13、Ahardly Bunwillingly Cslowly Dlightly14、Ashocked Brelieved Cembarrassed Dworried15、Apresented Bmoved Cbrought Dhanded16、Afun Bsuccess Cwonder Dart17、Arest Bplay Ceat Ddrink18、Acontinuously Bseldom Cconsciou

9、sly Dsecretly19、Ahome Bdestination Chospital Dairport20、Arecovery Bresolution Crequirement DrescueSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Wha

10、t is erosion(腐蚀)? Erosion is simply when soil is transported on the earths surface from one location to another by a natural cause.This is easy to imagine. Picture a sandcastle on a beach. This sandcastle is particularly beautiful, the work of a whole long, hot summer afternoon. It has three towers,

11、 with a great wall running all around. Small square houses sit in an open area in the center. From the tallest tower flies a Pop-sicle-wrapper flag from a small twig flagpole. Its builder sits back, proudly admiring her work. But it is late, and the tide is coming in, bringing the water closer. Fina

12、lly, the castle is hit with a giant wave. As it pulls out, the builder sees there is nothing left but bits of the towers and a small broken twig. Where has the sand gone? Not very far, really. Its moving around the water that will wash back and forth across the beach all day. Its spread around the b

13、each next to the castle. However, to our eyes, it has disappeared. This is also the way with erosion. Parts of the earth seem to disappear but have really just been moved around.A common example of water changing the landscape is sinkholes. Sinkholes are formed when underground water wears away the

14、dirt and rock that surrounds it. Eventually, the hole underneath the ground is so big, and the earth above it so thin that the surface collapses into the hole, taking with it anything unlucky enough to be on the surface at the time. Sinkholes occur naturally and have been around a very long time. To

15、day, though, many sinkholes are caused by the action of human beings.In fact, today, human beings are one of the things helping to speed up erosion of the earth. Scientists believe that by pumping water from underground, moving sand dunes and other naturally-occurring anti-erosion measures, humans have allowed erosion of the earth to speed up


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