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1、考研英语一2023年路环岛临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Johns parents acquired the washer when he was a small boy. It happened during World War . His family never 1 a washing

2、 machine and, since gasoline was expensive, they could not 2 trips to the laundry several miles away. Keeping clothes 3 became a problem for young Johns household.A family friend joined the army, and his wife 4 to go with him. Johns family 5 to store their furniture while they were away. To the fami

3、lys 6 , the friend suggested they use their Bendix. So this is how they 7 the washer.Young John helped with the washing, and across the years he 8 a love for the old, green Bendix. But 9 the war ended. When the friends came to take it back, John grew terribly 10 . His mother 11 him and said. “You mu

4、st remember, that machine 12 belonged to us in the first place. That we ever got to use it at all was a gift. So, instead of being mad at it being taken 13 , lets use this 14 to be grateful that we had it at all.”The lesson turned out 15 . Years later, John watched his eight-year-old daughter die a

5、slow and painful death of leukemia (白血病). Though he 16 for months with her death, John could not begin getting over from the 17 until he remembered the old Bendix.His daughter was a 18 . When he realized the simple fact, everything changed. He could now begin recovering from the death of his daughte

6、r. He started to see her as a marvelous gift that he was fortunate enough to 19 for a time. He felt 20 . He found strength and recovery. He knew he could get through the valley of loss.1、ArequiredBrepairedCsawDowned2、AaffordBtakeChaveDride3、AwarmBniceCcleanDgood4、AagreedBpreparedCmanagedDdesired5、Ad


8、BdownCupDaway14、AsuccessBeventCtreasureDchance15、AinvaluableBimportantCnecessaryDreasonable16、AthoughtBstruggledCmissedDforgot17、AlessonBillnessClossDdifficulty18、AgiftBwasherCdeathDloser19、AspendBliveCshareDearn20、AgratefulBenergeticCrelaxedDhappySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Rea

9、d the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1New York City Tour GuideCENTRAL PARK PHOTO TOUR $79With Sam L.Come to shoot in the Central Park of New York that will allow you to take home digital post

10、cards.This tour is a great introduction to Central Park and combines views of the bridges,lakes and skyline.At each stop of the photo tour,I will provide you with explanations around photography(摄影),camera settings, etc.You will be able to put these tips to good use immediately.NEW YORK RUNMNG TOUR

11、$50With Sebastien BLove running?Love New York?Do you want to see the sites of the city?Contact me and well take a special tour. All youll need to do is to put on your sports shoes and well be off.Ill show you my favorite running spots along the Hudson River or north of Central Park and away from all

12、 the tourists.If youre thinking of training for something,Ill give you the explanations and tips to make the best of your time training!GREENWICH VILLAGE FOOD TOUR $75With Manhattan W.Discover unbelievable places to eat.This is the real Greenwich Village gastronomic(美食的)experience.Along the way,find

13、 out how the village has kept its unique character throughout the years,from the Dutch and English controlled periods to today.Tour runs every day from 12:30 PM-2:30 PM.NEW YORK BY NIGHT PHOTO TOUR $115With Sam L.We have already prepared NYC for the most unique points for you.During the-hour walking

14、 tour,we share these special comers of NYCThe night tour teaches night photography techniques while discovering the darker side of the city that never sleeps: the UN headquarters,42nd street,Grand Central Terminal,the Chrysler Building,Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall.1、Who will you cont

15、act if you want to take pictures of the Central Park?ASam L. BSebastien BCManhattan W. DRockefeller.2、How much can you spend running along the Hudson River with Sebastien B?A$79. B$50.C$75. D$115.3、What can you do if you choose Manhattan W as your tour guide?AYou can shoot some pictures.BYou can do some sports.CYou can enjoy some delicious food.DYou can learn night photogra



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