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1、考研英语一乐东黎族自治县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。For many, just taking part in a single marathon is the ac

2、hievement of a lifetime. But for Julie Weiss, it has become a 1 routine. She has run 12 marathons once a weekfor the past year in memory of her dad who 2 just 35 days after he was 3 with pancreatic cancer(胰腺癌). When Julie Weiss lost her father in 2010, she was 4 to find the research for pancreatic c

3、ancer is so short of fund. “It made me feel 5 ” she said, “I knew I had to do something.”So this marathon queen, 6 she calls herself, did what she did best; she went running. Having completed 25 marathons during the 7 two years, Julie now vowed(发誓) to run 12 marathons in 12 weeks in 8 of her father.

4、 After asking people to 9 money for each marathon, she 10 a website, marathon goddess, com, to collect money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network(PANCAN), a nonprofit organization. Julie began her incredible 11 with a marathon in Rome and then entered a race every 12 in some city across North Am

5、erica. 13 leaving work at 5 p.m.on Friday she would be ready to begin the next race, before she 14 home to California on Sunday. Julie finished her 1,2.4-mile journey in March 2013, 15 more than $ 200,000 in the process for PANCAN.While running, she stuck to a strict training schedule. “My bodys get

6、ting used to this. Im changing my diet, becoming more healthy and learning to run more 16 ” she said. When her muscles began to 17 , she kept her 18 in mind. “When you do what you love, for those you love, that is where the 19 happen. Together we can make a(n) 20 , and pave the way for a happy, heal

7、thy, cancer free life.” she said.1、AweeklyBmonthlyCdailyDyearly2、Apassed byBpassed awayCdied offDdied out3、AconnectedBdiagnosedCtreatedDdealt4、AinspiredBexhaustedCinterestedDshocked5、AdesirableBhelplessChopefulDwishful6、AwhileBwhatCasDsince7、ApreviousBpreciousCpresentDprecise8、AsearchBneedChonorDpla

8、ce9、ApayBdonateCmakeDearn10、Aset upBmade upCheld upDbroke up11、AexperimentBstageCroadDchallenge12、AdayBmorningCweekendDweekday13、AAtBByCWithDOn14、ApartedBleftCheadedDmissed15、AraisingBearningCspendingDwasting16、AmerrilyBefficientlyCspecificallyDcasually17、AswellBstressCburnDache18、AstrengthBreliefCm

9、otivationDinterest19、AmiraclesBaccidentsCstoriesDevents20、AofferBsacrificeCpromiseDdifferenceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Life ca

10、n be so wonderful, full of adventure and joy. It can also be full of challenges, setbacks and heartbreaks. Whatever our circumstances, we generally still have dreams, hopes and desires that little something more we want for ourselves and our loved ones. Yet knowing we can have more can also create a

11、 problem, because when we go to change the way we do things, up come the old patterns and pitfalls that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the first place.This tension between what we feel we can have and what were seemingly able to have is the niggling suffering, the anxiety we feel. This is

12、 where we usually think its easier to just give up. But were never meant to let go of the part of us that knows we can have more. The intelligence behind that knowing is usthe real us. Its the part that believes in life and its possibilities. If you drop that, you begin to feel a little dead inside

13、because youre dropping you.So, if we have this capability but somehow life seems to keep us stuck, how do we break these patterns?Decide on a new course and make one decision at a time. This is good advice for a new adventure or just getting through todays challenges.While, deep down, we know we can

14、 do it, our mindor the minds of those close to ususually says we cant.That isnt a reason to stop, its just the mind, that little man or woman on your shoulder, trying to talk you out of something again. It has done it many times before. Its all about starting simple and doing it now.Decide and act b

15、efore over-thinking. When you do this you may feel a little, or large, release from the jail of your mind and youll be on your way.1、According to the passage, life is always .Afull of joy Bfull of challengesCso wonderful Dchanging2、It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that we should _ .Aslow down and live a simple lifeBbe careful when we choose to changeCstick to our dreams


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