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1、2023年北票市考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A new study found that inner-city kids living in neighborhoods with more green space gained about 13% less weight over

2、a two-year period than kids living among more concrete and fewer trees. Such 1 tell a powerful story. The obesity epidemic(流行病) began in the 1980s, and many people believe increased portion sizes and inactivity are to 2 , but that cant be everything. Fast foods and TVs have been 3 us for a long time

3、. Most experts agree that the changes were 4 to something in the environment, says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. That something could be a 5 of the green.The new research, 6 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, isnt the first to

4、 associate greenery with better health, but it does get us close 7 identifying what works and why. At its most straightforward, a green neighborhood 8 means more places for kids to play which is 9 since time spent outdoors is one of the strongest correlates(相关的事物) of childrens activity levels. But g

5、reen space is good for the mind 10 : research by environmental psychologists has shown that it has cognitive(认知的) 11 for children with attention-deficit disorder. In one study, just reading 12 in a green setting improved kids symptoms. 13 to grassy areas has also been linked to 14 stress and a lower

6、 body mass index (体重指数) among adults. And an 15 of 3,000 Tokyo residents associated walkable green spaces with greater longevity (长寿) among senior citizens.Glass cautions that most studies dont 16 prove a causal link between greenness and health, but theyre nevertheless helping spur action. In Septe

7、mber the U. S. House of Representatives 17 the delightfully named No Child Left Inside Act to encourage public initiatives aimed at exposing kids to the outdoors.Finding green space is not 18 easy, and you may have to work a bit to get your family a little grass and trees. If you live in a suburb or

8、 a city with good parks, take 19 of whats there. Your children in particular will love it and their bodies and minds will be 20 to you.1、AfindingsBessaysCassumptionsDabstracts2、AscoldBblameCchargeDcriticize3、AamongBalongCbesideDwith4、AgluedBrelatedCassociatedDopposed5、AscratchingBdenyingCdepressingD


10、cleBexpeditionCanalysisDoption16、AcuriouslyBnegativelyCnecessarilyDcomfortably17、ArelievedBappointedCapprovedDperformed18、AmerelyBalwaysCmainlyDalmost19、AadvantageBexceptionCmeasureDcharge20、AregretfulBmercifulCjoyfulDgratefulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four t

11、exts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Cakan is a successful businessman from Montenegro, who has earned himself nicknames(昵称)like “the best boss” and “Brother” by being surprisingly generous to his employees.Cakan

12、, who owns Cakan Sports, the largest sporting goods store chain in Montenegro, has been making news headlines for years, but not for his professional success. He is best known for the generosity he shows to his faithful and hard-working employees. The businessman firmly believes that his company can

13、 boom only if he keeps his employees happy, and to that end, he has offered the best of them some pretty unbelievable presents.Cakan first surprised his workers back in 2012, when he offered four of them brand new cars 2 VW Golf 6 and 2 VW polo complete with paid insurance. They were some of the old

14、est and most hard-working employees of Cakan Sports, and since the company had recently moved its operations outside the city, Cakan thought his best people shouldnt have to struggle to get to work. When we saw them, we were speechless, Danijela, one of the receivers, remembers. While the boss was s

15、aying his is a gift for you, all I could think of was this is not real, this cant be happening to us.” But this was just one of the generous ways Cakan has rewarded his employees over the years. In 2014, after hearing that one of his workers had been saving up his paychecks so he could buy a ticket to the world Cup soccer final, in Brazil, he took him there himself, at his own expense.Asked why he doesnt use cheaper means of motivating his employees, like a small raise



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