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1、考研英语一2023年梅县深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ive always had strong opinions of how love should be expre

2、ssed, but others had their own ways of showing care.What I remember most about visiting my_parents is the loud tick of the_in the dining room as we _ ate our meal. With so little conversation l was quick to 1 his family as cold. When we got into the _ to go home, his father suddenly appeared._ ,he b

3、egan to wash his sons windscreen. I could feel he is a 2 man through the glass.I_ another lesson about love a few years later. I always return phone calls_ and regularly contact my friends. I 3 the same from them. But I had one friend wh0 4 Called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed

4、to the_ :She wasnt a good friend! My anger_ as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I hosted and 5 me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month.1 was _ at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for _ Id considered her to be uncari

5、ng. Clearly I needed to 6 my expectations of friends.Far too often, I ignored their unique 7 ,eagerly expecting them to do things in my 8 .Over the years, however, Ive learned to 9 other persons love signs.1、AownBboyfriendsCgirlfriendsDfathers2、AclockBtableCplatesDdishes3、AexcitedlyBnervouslyCsilent

6、lyDinstantly4、AregardBtreatCgetDhave5、AbusBtrainCcarDplane6、APunctuallyBCarefullyCProudlyDColdly7、AcoldBcaringCtoughDstrange8、AunderstoodBlearnedCtaughtDtried9、Ain orderBin turnCwithout delayDwithout difficulty10、AintendBconsiderCexpectDask11、AregularlyBrarelyCevenDstill12、AfaithBsuggestionCjudgment

7、Dapproval13、AremainedBfailedCgrewDquit14、AhandedBboughtChelpedDoffered15、AdepressedBupsetCfascinatedDshocked16、AhowBwhatCwhyDwhether17、AmakeBchangeCappreciateDdraw18、AexpectationsBexperiencesCadventuresDexpressions19、AmannersBskillCmeansDway20、AsendBreadCgiveDexpressSection II Reading ComprehensionP

8、art ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1On a February day during an unusually mild winter, I found myself missing the snowy beauty. I enjoyed the feeling that comes from watc

9、hing snow fall gently from heaven while Im cosy inside with a good fire burning in the stove. But there were more serious concerns, like the lack of rainfall making our woods more accessible to summer forest fires. Local ski fields and hotels, all dependent on a snowy season, felt sorry for the vaca

10、nt lifts, empty restaurants and unused snowmobilesThen I happened to see three little robins(知更鸟)fly into our yard. What were they doing here? West of us, in the Willamette Valley, wild flowers burst this time of year. But here in central Oregon, even if a groundhog(土拨鼠)had wanted to appear, it coul

11、dnt have broken through the frozen earth. And yet, these robins had arrived.Their presence brought me a flow of happiness. It felt like a celebration as I dug into my bag of birdseed and spread a handful on the ground. Above me, the deep blue sky was cloudless, perfectly quiet but for some smoke fro

12、m a neighbors chimney. The lively cold made the air fresh and clean.My robins jumped lightly toward the seed. My soul jumped with them, feeling equally carefree.Caught up in the moment of spring fever, I checked out snowless flower beds. To my delight, I spotted a green branch sticking out through t

13、he brown soil. Despite the cold, it wasnt ready to go back inside. Just a short meeting with those robins had renewed my spirit. The next day I would return to my outdoor work with a cheerful heart and a hopeful eye for these signs of spring.1、(小题1)The author missed a snowy winter because snow could

14、 _.Aprevent forest fires Bboom his businessCpromise an early spring Dbring him a good feeling2、(小题2)The author felt happy when finding _Athe sky was deep blue with cloudsBthree little robins flew into his yardCwild flowers burst in the Willamette ValleyDa groundhog appeared through the frozen earth3

15、、(小题3)We can infer from the passage that the author _Awould enjoy wild flowers the next dayBthought winter was already overClonged for the coming of springDloved robins the mostText 2 Keep up-to-date on the topics you love the most with a discount magazine subscription. Whether you enjoy discovering the latest celebrity gossip, or just working on word puzzles that exercise your brain, you can count on DiscountMags to off



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