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1、考研英语一2023年蓬安县押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Rolling, dark clouds covered much of the sky. The warm wind

2、suddenly became cold and picked up wildly, sending some dead leaves flying _ across the sky. A few drops of rain mixed with ice began to fall, then into heavy _.Doug, my older brother, and I first rode the bus to a bus stop. Then we _ off and began our long walk home. The wind was _ the snow around

3、us like a huge blanket, making it _ to see clearly. The only sounds we heard were the 1 of the wind as well as the crunch of our footsteps on the snow. Slowly but _, my brother and I were _ to death. Looking to my left, I saw a pine tree and squatted down.“What are you doing here, Bud? Come on!” sai

4、d Doug, “Theres no _ behind this little tree. If we rest here, we will die from the freeze.”“You go on, and Ill _ soon.” I replied.Doug was _ for a moment. Then he spoke, “Bud, do you remember the four pine trees at the side of the road? _ we get there, we can rest a while and get warm. You just sti

5、ck your hand down the back of my _, keep your head down and hold on.”As we struggled through the snow, my hand _ from my brothers belt and I fell to my knees.“Where are the trees?” I said, as the snow _ up around me like a feather bed. Once again, Doug pulled me to my feet.“Just a few more _ and wel

6、l be home and warm,” he said.As the darkness closed around us, we approached home, _. I only heard a worried shouting not in the distance. Then someone took my hand and _ me into a warm, bright light. And then I survived.Now, I still think about the lesson learned from our winter _ story: Never _, n

7、o matter what will happen.1、AslowlyBgentlyCpeacefullyDfiercely2、AsnowBstormCsmogDfog3、AcameBbrokeCshowedDgot4、AmeltingBrollingCpollutingDclearing5、AdifficultBsimpleCavailableDlikely6、AcallBshoutCtoneDwhistle7、AsurelyBcarefullyCsecretlyDhardly8、AscaringBfreezingCfightingDstarving9、AattractionBrecreat

8、ionCprotectionDradiation10、Acatch upBfall behindClook onDhang around11、AbraveBsilentCproudDconfident12、ABeforeBUnlessCAlthoughDWhen13、AdressBbootCbeltDcoat14、AslippedBbrokeCseparatedDshook15、AwentBclearedCmixedDfolded16、AstopsBstepsCmilesDblocks17、AdiscouragedBdynamicCunconsciousDenthusiastic18、Aper

9、suadedBfollowedCforcedDpulled19、AsurvivalBtravelCexplorationDresearch20、Ahold onBtook offCgive upDset asideSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

10、Text 1 The poisonous domoic (藻) acid affected Alfred Hitchcock s The Birds after hundreds of them absorbed the poison in the summer of 1961 and lost their minds.The sick birds likely consumed poisonous acid via small fish. It also tends to collect in shellfish. And, according to a study published Tu

11、esday, it may become more common as oceans warm, threatening birds and humans alike.Researchers have studied the rate of poisonous acid over the past 20 years in the Pacific Northwest, and found it strongly related to water temperatures that are warmer than normal.For now, warmer waters typically co

12、mes from events like EL Nino and a decades -long climate cycle called Pacific decadal oscillation, the study found. It isnt yet clear how climate change, which also warms the oceans, might affect the rate of the poison.When waters unusually warm off our coast, its because the circulation and pattern

13、s in the atmosphere has changed, bringing warm water from elsewhere - and this is happening at the same time that we also see high poisonous acid in shellfish, Morgaine McKibben, the study s lead author said.The poison is produced during warm domoic blooms, and gets passed up the food chain by anima

14、ls that eat it. Sea lions, dolphins and humans are at risk. While some animals can eventually clean themselves of the poison, the threat can last a long time after the warm water decreases.Animals poisoned by poisonous acid tend to become weak, and experience death. Symptoms in humans include headac

15、he, confusion, loss of short - term memory, weakness and unconsciousness.It isnt just a health risk. An Oregon State University statement notes that officials have to shut down shellfish harvests when poisonous acid levels are high, causing economic harm.Since health officials first regarded poison acid as a health threat in 1987, Pacific Northwest shellfish harvests have been stopped in 2005,


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