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1、考研英语一2023年重庆市黔江区预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I did my first marathon at 25. Id 1 running to get fit and thought Id give it a go. I started too fast, found it very

2、 painful but 2 to finish.Then, seven years ago, I went to a talk by someone who had just done the Sahara desert race. I felt so 3 . Ive always wanted to do something 4 . I registered for the 2007 Sahara marathon. My 5 was shocking and I was two stone(12.7kg) overweight, but 6 Id paid the 3,000 depos

3、it, I knew there was no going back.On my first five-mile run, I kept pretending my shoelaces(鞋带) needed tying just so I could 7 . But I kept 8 until I was doing 30, then 40 miles. People assumed I found it easy by then-I didnt. I just learned to push throught the 9 .But nothing can truly prepare you

4、 for running in desert temperatures. As the 10 always looked the same, the distance never seemed to get any shorter. 11 , I was never bored-I was too focused on reaching the checkpoints, and the water waiting there. Blisters(水泡) were unavoidable - the 12 gets everywhere. At night, the doctors treati

5、ng us would 13 them off with knives.In the following days, my feet would be hurting. I kept telling myself I couldnt 14 . If I quit, the pain would stop, but I knew I would 15 it for the rest of my life. Finally, I finished. Any suffering you experience is overridden(压倒) by the sense of 16 at the en

6、d.Its been a long progression, from being a(n) 17 slacker(懒虫) to 18 I am now. Ive lost 10lb(4.5kg) of body fat, but gained a lot of 19 -I have a better body now than at any point in my life. Anyone can do this. Im not superhuman, Im just 20 .1、Aended upBtaken upCgiven upDbacked up2、AhatedBrefusedCst

7、ruggledDoffered3、AinspiredBboredCpanickedDconfused4、AstrangeBordinaryCsecretDextreme5、AfitnessBheightCstrengthDwisdom6、AuntilBonceCunlessDwhile7、AwaitBstopCcomplainDdrink8、Adropping offBtripping overCbuilding upDslowing down9、AtensionBshameCfearDpain10、AsurroundingsBvolunteersCsandstormsDathletes11、


9、erateCdeterminedDfortunateSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Most of us dont reach for that gnarled (多节的) carrots when selecting our pro

10、duce at the local supermarket. Thats exactly why Americans waste up to 40% of eatable food every year. This unbelievable number has sparked the “ugly food” movement, and inspired many companies to sell misshapen fruit and vegetables to consumers, rather than throw them in the trash.One San Francisco

11、 organization is taking a unique approach to this idea. The Salvage Supperclub hosts fancy dinners inside dumper truck (卸车) where they serve dishes entirely prepared with food that would have otherwise gone to waste.Josh Treuhaft, founder of these ugly food dinners, originally came up with the idea

12、10 bring awareness to Americas food waste problem. “There is undeveloped potential in their food that for some reason, not to their own fault, is going to waste,” he told Seekers Laura Ling.Treuhaft isnt alone in his effort to reduce Americas food waste. A Change, org last year willed for Whole Food

13、s to become part of the ugly food movement. They sold misshapen fruit and vegetables in Northern California stores.Selling imperfect produce is still relatively rare right now, which can be partially due to a supply issue rather than a lack of willing participants. Raleys, a Sacramento-based grocery

14、 chain, started an ugly food pilot program called “Real Good”, but discontinued it after 90 days saying they had “some challenges sourcing the product”. A grower might have large amounts of ugly produce one year due to terrible weather, but much less the next year if the weather has been more ideal.

15、 Harvests constantly vary and retailers are more likely to buy ugly produce in large number rather than just a few pounds at a time.This is why organizations like Imperfect Produce and Salvage Supperclub are playing an important role in the prevention of food waste. Salvage Supperclub takes it a step further by not only buying the ugly produce, but turning it into a good dining experience as well.1、What can we infer from Parag


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