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1、齐齐哈尔市2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A few years ago, an elderly woman entered my video store, along with her daughter. The 1 was showing an air of impati

2、ence, 2 her watch every few seconds. If the daughter had possessed a rope, she would have 3 her mother to it as a means of pulling her along.The old woman began to pick DVDs herself. I walked over and asked 4 I could help her find something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a 5 on a piece of

3、paper. 6 rushing off to find the DVD for the woman, I asked her to 7 with me so I could show her where she could find it and I wanted to enjoy her 8 for a moment. Something about her movements 9 the memories of my own mother, whod 10 . As we walked along the back of the store, I described what was o

4、n the shelves: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed “trip and 11 conversation.I said to her daughter,“ 12 some advice?”“ Of course not,” said the daughter. “ 13 her” I said. “When shes gone, its those precious 14 that will come back to

5、 you. Times like this, I know.” It was 15 .I still missed my mom and remembered the times when Id used my impatience to make her 16 .Together they 17 their way toward the stores exit. They stood there for a moment, side by side, 18 the holiday crowds. Then the daughter glanced over and looked at her

6、 mother lovingly. And slowly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection 19 her mothers shoulders and 20 guided her back into the crowd.1、Amother Bdaughter Cmerchant Dwaitress2、Achecking Bfixing Cadjusting Dremoving3、Aaccustomed Bfastened Capplied Ddevoted4、Awhy Bwhen Chow Dif5、Arecei

7、pt Bticket Ctitle Dtip6、AInstead of BRegardless of CApart from DAs to7、Ajog Btrade Cwalk Dcommunicate8、Aholiday Btime Cstay Dcompany9、Acalled on Bcalled for Ccalled up Dcalled in10、Adied away Bpassed away Cmoved away Dgiven away11、Ameaningless Bconvincing Cserious Dcasual12、AOffer BLack CMind DPrepa

8、re13、ASeize BCherish CForgive DLeave14、Achances Bfeelings Cmoments Dpresents15、Atrue Bappropriate Creasonable Dimpossible16、Apuzzled Bastonished Cdesperate Dupset17、Atook Bmade Cfelt Dheaded18、Aobserving Bexpecting Capproaching Dfollowing19、Aaround Bagainst Cbeneath Ddown20、Adeliberately Bhurriedly

9、Crandomly DgentlySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Our heros origin story started this past February in the Perine family living room

10、in Birmingham, Alabama. Austin, a 4-year-old boy, and his father, Tad Perine, were watching a program on Animal Planet about a mother panda leaving her cubs. “I told him that the cubs would be homeless for a while,” Tad says. “Austin didnt know what homelessness meant, but he was sad and wanted to k

11、now more.”Seeing this as a teachable moment, Tad took Austin to the Firehouse Ministries, a local shelter that provides housing, food, and other services for homeless men. As they drove by the redbrick building, they saw a group of 25 homeless men standing on the street corner. “Dad, they look sad.”

12、 Austin said. “Can we take them some food and make them smile?” That day, Austin used his allowance to buy each man a Burger King sandwich and handed the food out himself. Seeing what their presence meant to the men at the ministry, Austin and Tad returned the next week.After he returned every week

13、for five weeks, word of Austins acts of kindness spread through social media and national news outlets. Burger King jumped aboard, agreeing to donate $1,000 a month for an entire year toward the cause. Soon, churches and shelters across the country began inviting Austin to come to distribute food in

14、 other areas. Whereas before Austin and Tad could feed 25 to 50 people at a time; now, thanks to corporate and community support, they can feed 800 to 2,000 people at once.As for Austin, he continues to give out food, smiles, and his inspirational message of love. “It makes me feel like Im saving th

15、e day.”1、How does Austin feel when seeing the TV program?ASurprisedBJoyfulCGratefulDUnhappy2、Why did Tad drive Austin to the local shelter?ATo donate some money for the homeless.BTo ask for some help from the homeless.CTo teach him the meaning of homelessness.DTo introduce Austin to the staff there.3、What does the author inte



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