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1、考研英语一山西省忻州市五寨县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I went to the store to get some balloons and wrapping paper for a present for my daughters birthday. I went to st

2、and in line and saw a lady trying to get her kids to come to the register, 1 them as they were taking their time picking out something. I 2 to let her go before me, but she 3 declined. She tried again to get her two children to get a move on. I could hear the 4 in her voice. 5 I was paying for my it

3、ems, I asked the 6 if she could hold my balloons for a second.Then I heard the 7 of the lady as I guess she thought I was taking too long. What she didnt 8 was that I asked the cashier to hold the 9 for me so I could get a $20 bill out for her. I turned to her and 10 her the $20. At that time her ki

4、ds finally got in line and were obviously 11 . I advised the lady to buy some 12 for herself to make her not that depressed. I told the kids to make sure mommy got flowers and they 13 . She so appreciated this random act of 14 . I was happy and left the store.Once outside the store, I was at my car

5、15 my daughters gift as I would be going straight to her home as soon as I was done. This lady 16 to me and asked me if she could take a picture of us 17 . I agreed and she got a picture and was so 18 to me. I gave her a 19 and told her to be 20 to herself.1、Ascolding Brushing Cordering Ddragging2、A

6、offered Bpromised Crefused Dhoped3、Aanxiously Bproudly Cpatiently Dpolitely4、Atiredness Bsorrow Cdepression Dexcitement5、AAlthough BAs CBecause DUntil6、Acashier Bseller Cassistant Dwaitress7、Ashout Bsob Cscream Dsigh8、Aignore Badmit Crealize Dimagine9、Aballoons Bitems Cbag Dbasket10、Adropped Bdelive

7、red Chanded Dthrew11、Athrilled Bamazed Cfrightened Ddisappointed12、Aflowers Bgifts Cfood Dclothes13、Aapproved Bdiscussed Chesitated Dagreed14、Abeauty Bkindness Ccarefulness Dspirit15、AAwrapping Bcleaning Cdecorating Drepairing16、Apulled up Bcarried on Ccame up Dturned out17、Aalone Btogether Csoon Dl

8、ater18、Adevoted Bkind Cfriendly Dgrateful19、Aglance Btalk Chug Dlook20、Agentle Bmean Cfaithful DgoodSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1D

9、avid Hepworth and Eric Whale,two Scottish material scientists,were looking for smart ways to reuse food waste when they figured out how to make nanofibers(纳米纤维)out of leftovers from carrot juice.The cellulose(纤维素)in carrots and other root vegetables,unlike other fibrous materials like wood or cotton

10、,is easy to separate out from the rest of the biowaste.The scientists call the material Curran,after the Gaelic word for carrot.And they set out to show that it could be used to replace glass or carbon fibers.They say its nearly twice as strong and slightly lighter than carbon.They would just go to

11、buy in their local grocery store.But they soon realized that the carrot actually worked well and that they could turn to agricultural waste to source their material.They found that the smartest,most ecologically responsible use for the nanofibers was for protective sporting goods.And in particular,m

12、otorcycle helmets,which have to be both strong and light.Thats right: Motorcycle helmets of the future might be made from carrots,not carbon.The question here,first of all,was to see what could be a possible market for such a new fiber,from an ecological point but also from the economic and technica

13、l angles too,David Hepworth says.Thats where the helmet comes in.They found that protective sporting goods,which need stiff,strong,light fibers and low economic overhead,were some of the best use cases for Curran.David Hepworth and his team are also looking at the possibility of using it in surfboar

14、ds and insulation(隔离板)for mobile homes.The challenge now is taking the material from the lab to mass production.And,making sure that its still ecologically smart on a grander scale.It doesnt make sense to develop a material from biowaste if theres no use for it.Or if turning it into a useable produc

15、t takes more energy than the non-renewable choice.1、Why was the carrot chosen by the Scottish scientists at first?AIt worked best. BIt could be convenient to get.CIt is easy to be broken into pieces. DIt did little harm to the environment.2、What is special about Curran compared with other fibers?AIts shape. BIts length.CIts quali



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