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1、考研英语一2023年福建省泉州市洛江区预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I was really nervous this year because I was in a new class. It 1 me that I didnt know anyone in the class, But 2 I

2、 didnt know anyone. I had the 3 to do something I love- people watching.The girl sitting behind me was always laughing and talking happily. She was one of the very few people who made any 4 to acknowledge me.At the end of the year, we were 5 to do a big open-ended project where the 6 were basically

3、to read something, then watch something related to it, and then 7 a presentation based on what we learned.On the presentation day, that girl 8 in front of the class, and told everyone how she had read about eating disorders, because she herself had 9 with one. As it was too difficult for her to talk

4、 about it 10 , she had made a movie, where she had 11 some people about their eating disorders and how they had felt and 12 them eventually. After the presentation, almost 13 was in tears. Several people commented on how 14 she was to stand up and talk about it, and how strong she was to have got ov

5、er the disorder.I never 15 she would have a problem like that because she always seemed 16 . Her courage to talk about something so 17 in public and her strength to get through her difficulties have 18 me. Ive also learned how difficult it is to 19 people. You never know what type of person someone

6、is just by 20 for a term.1、Apleased Bconfused Cinterested Dscared2、Asince Bif Cbefore Dunless3、Ahonor Bright Cchance Dduty4、Adiscovery Bprogress Cremark Dattempt5、Aforced Brequired Callowed Dreminded6、Ainstructions Bpurposes Ccatalogues Dreferences7、Atry out for Bmake use of Ccome up with Dlook forw

7、ard to8、Aturned away Bgot up Clooked down Dcame back9、Astayed Bbegun Cstruggled Dmixed10、Adirectly Bswiftly Crandomly Dseriously11、Ainformed Bconsulted Csupported Dinterviewed12、Aignored Bovercome Cimproved Ddeveloped13、Asomebody Banybody Ceverybody Dnobody14、Areliable Bbrave Cpatient Dgenerous15、Ae

8、xpected Badmitted Csuspected Dconcluded16、Acheerful Bhonest Ccurious Dindependent17、Aspecific Bprofessional Ccomplex Dpersonal18、Acomforted Binspired Cpersuaded Drelaxed19、Aamuse Bimpress Cjudge Dsatisfy20、Athinking Blistening Ccommunicating DobservingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections

9、:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In 1938 Portugal held a national competition to identify the countrys most Portuguese” Village. Sticking to a rocky promontory(海角)far above the Beira

10、 Baixa plains, Monsanto is easily the most impressive. So it came out on top.Cottages, a lot of which are made of very large round rocks, seem to grow out of the mountain itself. Above them rises a stone fortress(城堡), parts of which predate even the arrival of the Moors. And views across the plains

11、are, simply put, astonishing.Since being honored as the most Portuguese village, Monsanto has reminded largely separated from modernization. These days, goats and chickens seem to outnumber humans in the village. Most young people leave for large cities and the growing investment in the areas herita

12、ge (遗产)has not encouraged more attractions for the younger generation. Tourists walking along the villages tiny streets can see elderly women walking and chatting in doorways.Several houses near the village entrance are surprisingly grand. Halfway to the castle youll come across the gruta, a cozy ca

13、ve apparently once used as a pub and still used as such. This stone fortress seems almost to have grown out of the hillside that supports it. Its a wonderfully beautiful site, populated by wildflowers.Alter Dom Sancho I drove out the Moors in the 12th century, the fortress was strengthened. Dom Dini

14、s improved it, but after centuries of attacks from across the border it finally fell into ruin. Just below the entrance is a public square. To the right is a ruined Renaissance church and bell tower.On 3 May Monsanto comes alive in the Festa das Cruzes, remembering a siege(围困)in the Middle Ages. The

15、 story goes that the starving villagers threw their Iasi lonely cow over the walls, making their enemies believe they had plenty of food, because they immediately abandoned the siege. These days, young girls throw baskets of flowers instead, after which theres dancing and singing beside the castle wall.1、What is Monsanto like today?AIt has a lot



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