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1、考研英语一2023年河南省平顶山市宝丰县全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)How was school, Ben? I asked my 1 after he began kindergarten(幼儿园) this year. The work is too 2 and theres not e

2、nough time to play. he replied with a deep 3 .I couldnt help but remember Bens mother. my daughter, Jane, and her 4 to the first day of school. When Julie 5 home that afternoon. I asked her the same question . She also replied with a long, 6 face but her answer was a little different as she announce

3、d . I didnt learn to 7 today.What a disappointment for a little girl who thought she would 8 know how to read her little books after the first day of school. I had to explain to her that she would 9 learn to read but didnt happen quite that fast.My 10 went back to my school days again I could almost

4、 11 the chalk dust in the air. I suppose few schools still use chalk and blackboards. They have probably been 12 with newer equipment and large computer screensOn the first day of school, the expectation was s 13 that I would be up early in the morning and 14 long before it was time to leave for sch

5、ool We 15 about 6 blocks to school 16 new shoes that felt tight and carried our small supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores. The stores must have saved cigar boxes just to give to us children .We 17 them from year to year until they fell apart.The first day of school was a new beg

6、inning, although there might be 18 on the first day. The doors of knowledge had been opened and we 19 great learning adventures. It is an 20 in our lives that most of us remember. Its a big step for a small child toward leaving babyhood and so there isnt enough time to play.1、AsonBgrandsonCbrotherDc



9、irCfactDeventSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 In the famous fairy tale, Snow White eats the Queens apple and falls victim to a curse(

10、诅咒);in Shakespeares novel, Romeo drinks the poison and dies; some ancient Chinese emperors took pellets(药丸)that contained mercury(水银), believing that it would make them immortal, but they died afterward.Poison(毒药) has long been an important ingredient in literature and history, and it seems to alway

11、s be associated with evil, danger and death. But how much do you really know about poison?An exhibition, The Power of Poison, opened last month at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, intended to give the audience a more vivid understanding of poison.The museum tour starts in a rainfo

12、rest setting, where you can see live examples of some of the most poisonous animals: caterpillars(毛毛虫), frogs and spiders. Golden poison frogs, for instance, arent much bigger than a coin, but their skin is covered with a poison that can cut off the signaling power of your nerves, and a single frog

13、has enough venom to kill 10 grown humans.Poisons can be bad for some things, Michael Novacek, senior vice president of the museum, told NBC News. Yet they can also be good for others.A poisonous chemical found in the yew tree is effective against cancer, which is what led to the invention of a cance

14、r-fighting drug called Taxol.The benefits from natural poisons are not limited to just medicine. Believe it or not, many substances(物质)that we regularly ingest(摄入)-chili, coffee and chocolate-owe their special flavors or stimulating(提神的)effects to chemicals that plants make to poison insects.1、What

15、does the underlined word immortal in Paragraph 1 mean?AhappyBnot moralCliving foreverDsick2、What is the main purpose of the exhibition The Power of Poison?ATo give people more in-depth knowledge about poison.BTo teach people how to handle poisonous animals.CTo inform people about which animals are the most poisonous.DTo show how poison has been used for medical treatment.3、Which of the following statements about the Golden poison frog


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