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1、四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县2023年考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Beverly and I have been the best friends for years. And our friendship, like a well-worn sweater, has 1 in th

2、ere, through thick and thin. After her divorce, she moved several 2 away. We keep in touch through phone calls.Last Saturday night, Beverly called, telling me she found a lump (肿块) in her breast and was 3 for surgery on Tuesday. She was terrified, and 4 was I. After we hung up, I booked a flight. 5

3、, I couldnt let Beverly face her 6 future alone.On Monday morning I went to the airport. I stepped up the 7 and handed my identification to a girl. Her fingers 8 the computer keys for a moment. When she looked up and handed my identification back, she said, “Im sorry to 9 you this flight is overbook

4、ed.” “But,” I stammered (结结巴巴地说), “I have to get on this flight. This is not just a 10 trip. My best Mend is having surgery-she needs me.”“Im sorry.”A tear 11 my cheek.“Perhaps I can help you,” said an older woman with smiling blue eyes. “Well, I have a ticket. Id be 12 if you would take my place.”

5、She 13 the ticket and boarding pass at me.“My journey is not 14 ,” she added. “Go to your friend.”She handed me the ticket and we made the necessary 15 at the counter. I turned to this generous lady and 16 my hand. She took it and said, “Someday you will see a woman in 17 and you will do the same.”

6、With a smile, she let go of my 18 .To this day, I often think of that woman who 19 convenience for friendship. I will never forget her 20 of kindness.1、Aplaced Bput Chung Dlaid2、Astates Bstreets Cmiles Dblocks3、Aintended Basked Callowed Dscheduled4、Asuch Bit Cso Dnor5、AIn all BAfter all CAbove all D

7、First of all6、Auncertain Bhopeless Cdisappointing Dpromising7、Aflight Bcounter Cpilot Dcomputer8、Ahit Bknocked Ctapped Dstruck9、Ainform Bremind Cwarn Dinstruct10、Aday Bplane Csurgery Dvacation11、Aturned down Brolled down Cfell down Dpoured down12、Ahonored Bsatisfied Cannoyed Dupset13、Apointed Bwaved

8、 Cthrew Dflashed14、Anecessary Bconvenient Cmeaningful Durgent15、Acomments Bbargains Cchanges Dplans16、Araised Bextended Cheld Dreached17、Adanger Bhurry Coperation Dsorrow18、Ahand Bticket Cpressure Dtrouble19、Abrought Bsacrificed Ctook Dreceived20、Aword Bsmile Cact DgiftSection II Reading Comprehensi

9、onPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1No one knew Prince Edward Street as well as Pierre Dupin. He had delivered milk to the families on the street for thirty years. For

10、 the past fifteen years a large white horse named Joseph pulled his milk wagon. Joseph was a gentle horse with beautiful spirit shining out of its eyes, so Pierre named him after Saint Joseph.Every morning at five, Pierre arrived at the milk companys stables to find Joseph waiting for him, Pierre wo

11、uld call, “Good morning, my old friend.”, as he climbed into his seat, while Joseph turned his head toward the driver. And the two would go proudly down the street. Without any order from Pierre, the wagon would roll down three streets. Then it turned right for two streets, before turning left to Sa

12、int Catherine Street. The horse finally stopped at the first house on Prince Edward Street. There, Joseph would wait perhaps thirty seconds for Pierre to get down off his seat and put a bottle of milk at the front door.Pierre knew every one of the forty families that got milk. The cooks knew that Pi

13、erre could not read or write; so, instead of leaving orders in an empty milk bottle, they simply sang out if they needed an extra bottle.Pierre also had a wonderful memory. When he arrived at the stable he always remembered to tell Jacques, the foreman(领班) of the stables, “The Pacquins took an extra

14、 bottle this morning; the Lemoines bought a pint of cream .” Most of the drivers had to make out the weekly bills and collect the money. But Jacques, liking Pierre, never asked him to do this.One day the president of the milk company came to inspect the early morning milk deliveries.Jacques pointed

15、to Pierre and said:”See how the horse listens and how he turns his head toward Pierre? See the look in that horses eyes? You know, I think those two share a secret. I have often felt it. He is getting old. Maybe he ought to be given a rest, and a small pension.”“But of course,” the president laughed. “He has been on this job


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