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1、考研英语一2023年海南藏族自治州同德县点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Traveling in Vietnam was like visiting a mysterious neighbor. You have lived next door to each other for years bu

2、t know very 1 about what happened on 2 side of the fence.I travelled there last August. A(n) 3 180-kilometre trip from a Chinese border town to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, 4 an adventurous eight hours. Thats 5 the country still doesnt have a modern expressway system. The major passage going throu

3、gh the country is only a two-way road. 6 , many areas are mountainous.Vietnamese drivers are 7 and fearless. They compete with each other at full speeds no matter how scared the 8 feel. When the bus shook us violently for the hundredth time, the driver made a 9 to make us feel better. “See, this is

4、just a(n) 10 Vietnamese people give you, a free massage(按摩) service.”It was midnight 11 I reached that hotel. Switching on the television, I was 12 by something: All the 13 in the TV plays spoke in the same voice. 14 , modern Korean plays and historical Chinese plays are 15 with the Vietnamese. But

5、it seemed they didnt have enough 16 to dub(为配音)all these programs. So, the same boring woman appears 17 every TV play to speak for the roles. The next morning when I opened the window, I found myself in a huge “ 18 ”. The buildings in the streets were 19 in all kinds of colors you can imagine. Vietn

6、amese are allowed to 20 their houses as they like. Each one was different. The large number of colors brought the city alive.1、Alittle Bmuch Ca lot Dfew2、Aanother Bother Ceither Dthe other3、Along Bsimple Cpleasant Deasy4、Atook Bspent Cpaid Ddevoted5、Awhy Bwhen Cbecause Dwhere6、ATherefore BHowever CA

7、lso DOtherwise来源7、Awonderful Bimpatient Ccareful Dhelpless8、Apassengers Bpolicemen Cdrivers Dpassers-by9、Astory Bjoke Cpromise Dstatement10、Agift Bpleasure Ccompetition Dsurprise11、Athat Buntil Cwhen Dwhile12、Aexcited Bembarrassed Cdisappointed Damazed13、Aactresses Bactors Ccharacters Dchannels14、AA

8、t present BTo be honest CSure enough DOf course15、Asatisfied Breceived Ccontent Dpopular16、Atime Bbudget Cpeople Dspace17、Abeside Bunder Cover Dbehind18、Afilm Bgarden Cbook Dcup19、Aput Bset Cdressed Dfilled20、Arent Bmake Clive DpaintSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following

9、 four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Boomerang children who return to live with their parents after university can be good for families, leading to closer, more supportive relationships and increased cont

10、act between the generations, a study has found.The findings contradict research published earlier this year showing that returning adult children trigger a significant decline in their parents quality of life and wellbeing.The young adults taking part in the study were “more positive than might have

11、 been expected about moving back homethe shame is reduced as so many of their peers are in the same position, and they acknowledged the benefits of their parents financial and emotional support. Daughters were happier than sons, often slipping back easily into teenage patterns of behaviour, the stud

12、y found.Parents on the whole were more uncertain, expressing concern about the likely duration of the arrangement and how to manage it. But they acknowledged that things were different for graduates today, who leave university with huge debts and fewer job opportunities.The families featured in the

13、study were middle-class and tended to view the achievement of adult independence for their children as a “family project”. Parents accepted that their children required support as university students and then as graduates returning home, as they tried to find jobs paying enough to enable them to mov

14、e out and get on the housing ladder.“However”, the study says, “day-to-day tensions about the prospects of achieving different dimensions of independence, which in a few extreme cases came close to conflict, characterised the experience of a majority of parents and a little over half the graduates”.

15、Areas of disagreement included chores, money and social life. While parents were keen to help, they also wanted different relationships from those they had with their own parents, and continuing to support their adult children allowed them to remain close.1、What is the finding of the previous research?ABoomerang children made their parents happier.BThe p


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