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1、考研英语一佳木斯市汤原县2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was a hot summer day. The sun was shining brightly and all could think of was 1 down with a scoop of my favorite

2、 ice cream. I decided to make a quick 2 to the newly opened ice cream parlor (冰淇淋店) close by for a mid-day 3 .As soon as I arrived there, I 4 my ice cream in a fancy cone and asked the server to 5 two tubs of chocolate ice cream for folks at home.While waiting for my take-out, I was halfway through

3、my icy treat and was enjoying the view of the two colorfully 6 ice cream flavors, sitting pretty one next to the other.Now that my to-go order was 7 , I headed to the payment counter to settle the bill. Surprisingly, the cashier had forgotten to 8 my ice cream, 9 only for the two tubs.The next few 1

4、0 passed by as I 11 between doing what was easyclearing the bill and moving out, and doing what was right 12 the error. I knew if I didnt bring the error in the bill to his 13 , my ice cream would be charged against his 14 .That moment, my decision was made and I went and told him what he had 15 . H

5、e looked at me in 16 and thanked me profusely for telling the error. Had it not been for my 17 telling the error, he would have been 18 . The smile of relief on his face made me smile, too.I came out of the ice cream parlor feeling really 19 about myself. I knew that day how wonderful it feels to do

6、 what is right 20 what is easy.1、Acalming Bbreaking Ccooling Dsetting2、Achoice Btrip Cdecision Dpromise3、Ameal Bwork Ctreat Dcure4、Aordered Bbooked Cdelivered Dmade5、Asell Btake Cmake Dpack6、Adecorated Bprepared Ccreated Ddescribed7、Aready Bslow Clate Dover8、Abill Bbuy Cpay Dcash9、Ataking Bspending

7、Ccharging Dbuying10、Adays Bweeks Chours Dseconds11、Adebated Bchecked Cdoubted Dwondered12、Areferring to Bpointing out Cfinding out Dlooking into13、Amind Bface Cnotice Dnote14、Aexpenses Bsalary Ctaxes Dfees15、Amissed Bleft Cremained Dbalanced16、Aneed Brelief Cterror Danxiety17、Aincredibly Bobviously

8、Csecretly Dhonestly18、Afined Bhired Csentenced Ddetained19、Aoptimistic Bfresh Cawesome Dwell20、Aother than Bapart from Cregardless of Drather thanSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your a

9、nswers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1“Are you going to Seattle?” an anxiouslooking woman asked a female traveler at the Amtrak Station in Sacramento. “No, Im going to Eugene,” the traveler replied. “Oh, I was hoping you could watch out for my daughter, shes never been on a train before.”Sinc

10、e I am a seasoned train traveler, I know that seats and cars are assigned by destination. So I approached the woman and her frightenedlooking daughter and told them that her daughter could sit with me and that I would take care of her for the duration of the journey.The train had arrived 25 minutes

11、late, and people rushed to get their seat assignments. The conductor wanted to know if there were people traveling together, so I pushed my way to the front of the line with the girl and we were arranged to sit next to each other. Once on board, I showed her where to put her luggage, and took her to

12、 the bathroom area. We settled down to sleep. In the morning, she became comfortable enough to do what most 15year olds do; talk and text on her mobile phone.Throughout the trip, I made sure she picked up her ID, which had fallen out of her backpack, and generally kept an eye on her in a nonintrusiv

13、e way. I hope someone takes her under their wing when she flies (another anxietyproducing first) back to Sacramento.I do hope that kindness will spread around the world through these ways. Were conditioned to think that our lives revolved(旋转)around great moments. But great moments often catch us una

14、ware, beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.1、Where was the author going by train?ASeattle BEugene.CSacramento. DAmtrak.2、Why did the author push to the front of the line?ATo get his seat assignment.BTo get a seat in the front.CTo help the girl find her seat.DTo ask for the two seats next to each other.3、What can be learnt from the text?AThe girl has never travelled by air before.BThe girl has never been to Seattle before.CThe mother and daughter have never taken the train before.DThe girl was too nervous to do nothing alone throughout the trip.4、What does t


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