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1、考研英语一2023年河北省张家口市张北县考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)John had to go to work. So he set off half an hour 36 than usual and arrived at the library before anybody else.

2、 The 37 to come was Mr. Steele, who thought, “This must be a wonder. John is 38 the first here. If he came as 39 as this every morning, he would get a lot more 40 done.” John began to get on with his work and by half past nine he had 41 all the postcards he had to write. It was a quarter to ten, and

3、 Mary had not arrived 42. He wondered 43 she was ill or if she had taken the day 44. But Mr. Steele came and 45 him if he knew where Mary was. If she were ill, she would 46, he said. Its not like her. Shes usually 47. John said that he had no 48 where Mary was. But 49 the door opened and there was M

4、ary. She was looking very 50 and tired. She apologized to Mr. Steele and explained that she had been 51 most of the night. She hadnt 52 to sleep until five in the morning and had overslept. Mr. Steele was very 53 and suggested that she take the day off. She 54 him and said she would stay, but she 55

5、 said a word for the rest of the morning. John, on the other hand, was feeling happy so at one oclock he suggested to Mary that they go and have lunch together, and she agreed.1、.Alater Bfaster Cslower Dearlier 2、.A next Blast Cthird Dfirst 3、.Aalmost Babout Cactually Dfinally 4、.Asoon Bearly Clate

6、Dquick 5、.Ajob Bbook Cwork Dthing 6、.Ataken Bsold Cfinished Dended 7、.A. too Byet Cstill Dalready 8、.Awhether Bwhy Cwhen Deither 9、.Aon Bover Coff Dup10、.Atold Bwarned Canswered Dasked 11、.Atelephone Bdrive Cride Dstay12、.Alater for work Babsent Cill Dthe first to come13、.Aquestion Bidea Cthought Dm

7、ind 14、.Aat that moment B. for a moment Clong before Dafter work15、.Ahappy Bpale Cred Dexcited16、.Aasleep Baway Calone Dawake 17、.Agot Bwanted Choped Dbegun 18、.Acruel Bkind Cangry Dglad 19、.Ataught Btold Claughed at Dthanked 20、.Ahardly Bnearly Cmostly Dimmediately Section II Reading ComprehensionP

8、art ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1“I never wanted to come on this stupid hiking trip!” Jeffs voice was panicked His father stopped and turned to look at the boy.“This i

9、s hard on you, son. But youve got to come through with your courage.”“But I am scared!” Jeff shouted.“Please have enough love for your brother to think this through!” His father replied, “We just dont have the time to stop. And I dont know if I can make it without stopping every so often. While your

10、e only ten, youre strong and fast. Do you remember the way back from here to the road, if you had to go alone?”Jeff flashed back to the painful scene of his seventeen-year-old brother Mark at their campsite. Hed been bitten by a snake during a rough hike. He needed medical attention right away. Wors

11、e still, their cell phone was dead.“Jeff? Could you make it to Flint without me? You can get help there.”Jeff nodded, said goodbye to his father and continued climbing over the rocks. The rocks and branches threatened his footing and speed, but stone by stone, he made his way up the valley.Jeff turn

12、ed and made the final climbing-up toward the road. When he reached it, he rested himself, breathless. “Cant stop,” he thought. “Marks in big trouble Keep going.” Just as he pulled himself upright, a truck sped by, heading for Flint Hey!” he shouted excitedly, waving both arms. The truck stopped, Jum

13、p in, boy! Whats up? The driver asked, Jeff got in and explained. Immediately the driver reached for his cell phone. “Help! Help! Better get the helicopter in there,” he seemed to be shouting into his hand. But Jeff wasnt sure about that because everything got unclear and then went black and quiet.H

14、ours later, Jeff opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital, with his father nearby. His father told him that the helicopter airlifted Mark to the hospital and he would be fine in a few days. His father hiked himself out of that valley and took a ride from someone to the town. “Youre a hero, son,

15、” his father finally said with a smile. “ You saved Mark.”1、Jeff had the greatest difficulty in .Adefeating his fear to ask for help aloneBfacing the possibility of losing his fathers respectCclimbing the rock-covered hill to get to the topDfinding someone to take him to the town of Flint2、What helped Jeff overcome the difficulties in the trip?AThe idea to prove himselfBThe eagerness to save himselfCThe love for his brotherDThe r


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