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1、考研英语一2023年永州市深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When Benjamin was born, he looked different from other babies. The doctors told my parents he had Down syndrome. I was

2、1 at the time, so I wasnt sure what it was, but I knew it wasnt 2 . I also knew that I finally had the baby brother I 3 , even if he wasnt perfect. The doctors said Ben might need help doing 4 things such as walking, talking, eating and 5 with people. I was told that I would need to be extra careful

3、 with Ben, and that I might someday have to 6 for him and protect him. Of course, 7 of these warnings bothered me; I knew from the second I laid 8 on him that I loved him.As Ben and I got older, we were always together. After Benjamin learned to 9 , we wanted to get him to jump, run and move around.

4、 10 Ben preferred to follow my 11 , his therapist or Mom would have me do the exercise first, and then Ben would try to do it. 12 me was Bens way of saying he loved me.A few years ago, I went away with some friends for the day. Sitting in the bus, we started talking about our siblings (兄弟姊妹). My fri

5、ends were saying how stupid and annoying 13 siblings were. I hadnt said anything; I was just listening in 14 . I had never thought there were brothers and sisters that just didnt 15 . Suddenly I said, “I love my brother.” I said “love” 16 because it was true.There are no 17 thoughts in my head when

6、I hear people making fun of Ben. I go right up to them and explain that Ben has Down syndrome, that his life isnt as easy for him as it is for us, and that if you give Ben a 18 hell be the best he can be at 19 you want him to be.I think Ben is 20 just the way he is. I will always love Ben, and he wi

7、ll always love me, no matter what.1、Acurious Blittle Cscared Dweak2、Agood Bserious Creal Drare3、Ahated Bwanted Cdefended Denvied4、Aspecial Binteresting Csimple Ddangerous5、Ainteracting Bfighting Ccompeting Darguing6、Alook out Bwork out Cturn up Dstand up7、Anone Bone Csome Dall8、Ahead Beyes Cheart Dh

8、ands9、Aspeak Bsit Ceat Dwalk10、AThough BIf CWhile DSince11、Alead Badvice Crules Dinstructions12、AKissing BFollowing CGreeting DServing13、Amy Bour Cyour Dtheir14、Apanic Bpeace Castonishment Djoy15、Akeep in contact Bbehave well Cget along Dgrow up16、Aangrily Bproudly Cbravely Dgently17、Asuch Benough C

9、practical Dsecond18、Asmile Bjob Cchance Dhug19、Awhatever Bwhichever Cwhoever Dwhenever20、Ahealthy Bmistaken Cperfect DunfortunateSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANS

10、WER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Is it OK for children to count on their fingers? Generations of pupils have been discouraged by their teachers from using their hands when learning maths. But a new research article published in Frontiers in Education shows using fingers may be a very important part of ma

11、ths learning.The article, by Professor Tim Jay of Sheffield Hallam University and independent researcher Dr Julie Betenson, substantiates what parents have long felt - that the finger games children often play at home are central to their education.The researchers worked with 137 primary pupils aged

12、 between six and seven. All the children were given different combinations of counting and number games to play - but only some were given exercises which involved finger-training. Some pupils played games involving number symbols, such as dominoes, shut-the-box, or snakes and ladders. Other pupils

13、were asked to play finger games, such as being asked to hold up a given number of fingers, or numbering fingers from 1 to 5 and then having to match one of them by touching it against the corresponding(对应) finger on the other hand, or following coloured lines using a particular finger. Both these gr

14、oups did a little better in maths tests than a third group of pupils who had simply had business as usual with their teachers. But the group which did both the counting and the finger games performed far better.This study provides evidence that fingers provide children with a “bridge” between differ

15、ent representations of numbers, which can be verbal, written or symbolic. Combined finger training and number games could be a useful tool for teachers to support childrens understanding of numbers.1、How did the author introduce the topic of the text?ABy providing evidence BBy raising a questionCBy giving an example DB


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