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1、考研英语一2023年河南省开封市开封县统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was a Friday morning and two lovers were going through a heart-searing breakup.As he was being 1 away from his l

2、over,he banged on the fence 2 them. She was 3 desperate,and with all her 4squeezed through the fence and rushed to him.A sweet kiss followed.No,this was not a passionate Romeo-and-Juliet love 5 .The couple is not _6humanHe is a ram,and she a doeThey have been living together in the YunnanWild Animal

3、 Park and have been in love since last yearIn a fenced area the amorous ram,7 Long Hair,has fascinated the doe,ChunziLiu Gencheng,has been 8 the couple for more than a year“The two have 9 a lot of time together since they were little.”The pair became famous after the local TV channel reported their

4、relationshipThousands, 10 some celebrities,left their 11 Many gave their blessings but some,12 animal experts,left doubts Cai Yue,is one of the fanatic web followers of the unusual love affair.“I first thought this might be a joke,but when I saw these photos,the love in their eyes 13 my heart. ”The

5、zoo manager vowed not to separate themBut after Long Hair fathered a baby lamb with the only female sheep in the zoo last month,the manager 14 .“The baby sheep needs care from both parents,”he said“ 15 the sheep and the deer are not able to have kids,we decided to separate them.”The zoos plan was to

6、 form a “normal family” for Long Hair,letting him live with the female sheep and his baby 16 staying with Chunzi all the time. 17 ,the separation,was like a dramatic scene from a love story.“Long Hair even hurt his baby and the female sheep with his hornsIt 18 us,“Li said”And Chunzi has been trying

7、to lick Long Hair 19 the fence.The zoo promised to let them “live happily ever after”We 20 do anything to separate them.” Li said1、AdraggedBpushedCleftDbrought2、AsurroundingBseparatingCdividingDtrapping3、AdisappointedlyBseparatelyCequallyDsurprisingly4、AstrengthBeffortsCpowerDenergy5、AstageBsceneCsp

8、otDplace6、AstillByetCeverDeven7、Aknown asBconsidered asClooked asDtaken as8、Ataken careBtaken care ofCtaking careDtaking care of9、AcostBpaidCtookDspent10、AcontainBincludeCincludingDcontaining11、AcommentsBpraiseCcriticizeDwords12、Ain specialBin practicalCin ratherDin especial13、AtouchBwarmCmoveDleave

9、14、Akept his mindBgave his mindCmade his mindDchanged his mind15、AbecauseBforCsinceDbecause of16、Aother thanBin steadCinstead ofDor rather17、AStillBButCHoweverDThough18、AsurprisedBafraidCscaredDastonished19、ApassBacrossCthoughDpast20、AcantBdontCmustntDwontSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirect

10、ions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 In A History of Reading, the Canadian novelist Alberto Manguel describes a remarkable transformation of human consciousness, which took place ar

11、ound the 10th century AD: the arrival of silent reading. Human beings have been reading for thousands of years, but in ancient times, the normal thing was to read aloud. With the arrival of silent reading, Manguel writes, the reader was at last able to establish an unrestricted relationship with the

12、 book and the words. The words no longer needed to occupy the time required to pronounce them. The readers thoughts inspected them at leisure, drawing new ideas from them, allowing comparisons from memory or from other books.To read silently is to free your mind to reflect, to remember, to question

13、and compare. The cognitive scientist Maryanne Wolf calls this freedom “the secret gift of time to think”. A thousand years later, critics fear that digital technology has put this gift in danger. The Internets flood of information, together with the distractions of social media, threatens to overwhe

14、lm the space of reading, leaving us in what the journalist Nicholas Carr has called “the shallows”. In Carrs view, the “endless, tempting buzz” of the Internet endangers our very being: “One of the greatest dangers we face,” he writes, “as we give up control over the flow of our thoughts and memorie

15、s to a powerful electronic system, is a slow damage to our humanness and our humanity.”Theres no question that digital technology presents challenges to the reading brain. But seen from a historical perspective, digital reading and silent reading look like differences of degree, rather than of kind. To the extent that digital reading represents something new, its potential cuts both ways. Done badly, the Internet reduces us to mindless clickers, racing numbly to the bottom of a bottomless feed; but do


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