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1、考研英语一2023年山东省滨州市无棣县押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Its a tradition for Ann Sutton to seek help for one or two families around Christmas. The Suttons dinner conversati

2、on often turned to local families 1 This year, the youngest daughter Kate was 2 that Santa Claus would make a special visit 3 a 22-year-old single mother named Ashley.One Sunday, the 4 rang. A representative from a local organization was calling to say the 5 Ann had requested for Ashley had fallen t

3、hrough. No Santa Claus, no presents, nothing. Ann saw the cheer 6 from her childrens faces at the news. Without a word, Kate ran into her room. Soon, Kate returned with her piggy bank, her face set with 7 And now she 8 the coins and dollar bills out, one by one, onto the kitchen table: $3.30. “Mom,”

4、 she told Ann, “I know its not much. 9 maybe this will buy a present for the baby.” 10 everyone was reaching into pockets and purses. Soon, the money 11 on the kitchen table. The total: $130.The next morning, Ann told her coworkers about her daughters latest project. Throughout the day, more coworke

5、rs 12 with contributions. Each time a little money came in, Ann called home. And with each 13 from her mother, Kate would scream into the phone and do a little dance of victory. With the story of Kates gift 14 beyond Anns office, she received more contributions. By the end of the day, the total was

6、now $500plenty of a Christmas for Ashleys family.That evening, Kate went with her mother to 15 the money. They bought plenty of household necessities. They 16 had enough to buy food for a Christmas dinner. On Christmas Eve, Ann 17 through the pouring rain to where the family lived. When Ashley opene

7、d the door, Ann stood under her umbrella and wished the 18 woman a Merry Christmas. Then Ann began to unload the gifts from the car. With so many gifts to take inside, she abandoned the umbrella. Ashley 19 her in the rain. Soon both women were wet through, and the surprise had turned to something de

8、eper, the kind of 20 that brought them close to tears.1、Ain chargeBin needCin returnDin turn2、AexcitedBsurprisedCashamedDdisappointed3、AwithBwithoutCtoDfrom4、AdoorbellBphoneCalarmDclock5、ApleasureBpermissionCinformationDaid6、AriseBshowCtakeDdisappear7、AdeterminationBpeaceCsurpriseDpuzzle8、Acollected

9、BcountedCchoseDfound9、AOrBAndCButDSo10、AGraduallyBFinallyCImmediatelyDConstantly11、Amade upBpicked upCtook upDpiled up12、Aput upBcame outCset offDdropped by13、AgreetingBreportCletterDgift14、AspreadingBsharingCstartingDinventing15、AspendBdeliverCmakeDreceive16、AevenBalwaysCalreadyDyet17、AwalkedBdrove

10、CranDcycled18、AastonishedBembarrassedCboredDfrightened19、AtookBheldCjoinedDattended20、AsympathyBsadnessCanxietyDjoySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40

11、 points)Text 1 Researchers continue to show the power behind our sense of smell Recent studies have found, among other things, that the smell of foods like pizza can cause uncontrollable anger in drivers on roadsThe review explains that smell is unique in its effects on the brain According to Conrad

12、 King, the researcher who carried out the review, more than any other senses, the sense of smell goes through the logical part of the brain and acts on the systems concerned with feelings. This is why the smell of baking bread can destroy the best intentions of a dieterSmell,which dictates(决定) the u

13、nbelievable complexity of food tastes, has always been the least understood of our senses. Our noses are able to detect up to 10,000 distinct smells Our ability to smell and taste this extremely large range of smells is controlled by something like 1,000 genes, which make up an amazing 3% of the hum

14、an genome Researchers Richard Axel and Linda Buck were together awarded a Nobel Prize in 2004 for their ground-breaking research on the nature of this extraordinary sense These two scientists were the first to describe the family of 1,000 olfactory (嗅觉) genes and to explain how our olfactory system

15、worksAccording to one study in the research review, smelling fresh pizza or even the packaging of fast foods can be enough to make drivers feel impatient with other road users They are then more likely to speed and experience uncontrollable anger on roads The most reasonable explanation is that these can all make drivers feel hungry, and therefore desperate to satisfy their appetitesIn contrast, the smells of peppermint and cinnamon were shown to improve concentration leve


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