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1、考研英语一2023年准格尔旗预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was an unforgettable experience. We sat in a boat waiting for Ofai. He was swimming under water. There were many beau

2、tiful shells at the bottom. If he could ever find some and bring them 1 , he would make a lot of money. It was a good and fast way to become rich. My uncle Harry was with us to take care of us. Suddenly I saw Ofai 2 his arms. Then I could see a large shark fish 3 under the water. All at once I was 4

3、 and held my breath.“A shark!” cried my uncle. An anxious expression suddenly 5 on his face. He was thinking of how to save Ofai. We 6 at my uncle and waited for him to take 7 .The fish came near. Now we could see him better. He was of a yellow-brown color and as big as our boat. What could we do to

4、 help Ofai? He had been under water for more than an hour. So by now he must be very 8 and it was difficult for him to swim fast enough to 9 the trouble. Thinking that Ofais life was at great risk, my uncle could 10 it no longer. Without 11 he took his knife and jumped into the water. Down he went a

5、fter the man-eating fish. The shark was 12 straight for Ofai. Then, suddenly, the fish turned. My uncles strong arm had 13 the knife deep into the side of the great fish. The water turned red as blood ran from the shark.Now Ofai had time to reach the top. At last he was safe in the boat. But the fis

6、h was 14 . He turned to 15 the man who had hurt him. As he swam to my uncle, he opened his great mouth. Again the knife went forward. This time it cut deep into the sharks nose.For a minute the shark lay 16 . Now Uncle was able to swim to the top. Ofai quickly pulled him into the boat. It wasnt long

7、 before the shark came to 17 . He hit the boat with such a hard 18 that the sides were almost pushed in. We rowed as hard as possible and finally we were safe on the seashore.It was my uncles 19 and ability that saved Ofai and all of us. We learned a lesson from this experience that courage 20 every

8、thing in time of great danger. We will always keep this experience in mind.1、Adown Bup Cin Dforward2、Awave Brise Chold Dextend3、Alying Bcrawling Cmoving Djumping4、Aannoyed Bexcited Castonished Dfrightened5、Aappeared Bexisted Creflected Dflashed6、Acalled Bstared Claughed Dshouted7、Ameasure Bstep Cact

9、ion Dadvice8、Atired Bexcited Cdisappointed Dsatisfied9、Aput up with Bbreak away from Cget along with Dget out of10、Amake Bstand Chold Daccept11、Adifficulty Bpermission Cdelay Dpreparation12、Awaiting Bheading Cfighting Dlooking13、Aturned Bpassed Ctook Dsent14、Asad Bcalm Cbrave Dangry15、Asee Bhelp Cat

10、tack Dprotect16、Aquiet Bfrightened Cstill Ddiscouraged17、Alife Bnotice Cmind Dan end18、Amovement Bweight Ccrash Dblow19、Acourage Bkindness Ccleverness Denthusiasm20、Amatters Bmeans Csuggests DpredictsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions

11、 below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The Governors School is described as a unique opportunity for high school students to involve themselves in math, science, and technology. When I signed up for computer programming, I expected to lear

12、n about coding (编程). However, what I didnt expect was that I would also learn how to build strong friendships.Just before I went there, I didnt know what to expect in the school, feeling quite at a loss. A sense of uncertainty about my future was flooding over me. On the first day, the students awkw

13、ardly moved around at the opening ceremonies. Although it is embarrassing to admit, I hadnt been able to succeed in my friendship in the past because I was too focused on myself. This time, I got rid of the desire to share personal stories and instead was eager to ask others about themselves.After s

14、unset on the second night, I heard three girls trying to recall the schedule for an upcoming museum trip. After effective communication, I knew they were Bree, Megan and Avery. Bree and Avery were in environmental science, and Megan was studying mathematics.We had a lot in common among us four, such

15、 as our love for movies, which strengthened our friendships. Meanwhile, we were able to introduce each other to new activities. Bree introduced us to anime (日本动漫). Enthusiastically, Megan encouraged us to play tennis. Avery and I kept the other two motivated to work out at the gym. The fact that none of us was particularly skilled w



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