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1、考研英语一2023年巴中市南江县高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A few weeks ago,our dog,which we had kept for more than ten years,had to be put down.First,a tumor on her stomach got

2、 worse,and she was very _.Then,the pain in her back got so bad that sometimes she _ lie down in the middle of a walk and couldnt take another _.When I first found out,I was very sad and cried a lot.She was more like a sister to me than a _.But I was also angry at my stepfather,Steve,who told us the

3、_ a week after it happened.He _ because he didnt want to worry us,and he didnt want me to get depressed (抑郁的)and fail my exams.I just thought she was _ at the animals hospital.I think you know all the _ that went through my head:She was my dog!Why didnt he tell us earlier?I didnt even get to say goo

4、dbye.People in my family have a _ of keeping things from me to protect me,such as only telling me that my aunt had cancer _ she had already improved.All I could think was:Not again!I _ to my mum,and she said,“I know.Im _,too.”I opened my mouth to shout.And then she added,“Im so angry with Steve that

5、 he had to _ through all this on his own.”Hearing my mums words,I shut up my mouth.I had been so _ on myself.I hadnt thought about _ Steve was going through.That dog was his baby.Hed had her for longer than hed had usand he had to make the decision to _ her life,and then kept in silence for an entir

6、e _.All my anger melted away,and all I felt was _.It makes me realize that we focus so much on ourselves that we _ the pain of others.At that moment,my mums words were an incredible _ that Ill never forget.1、AlazyBlonelyCpainfulDshameful2、AwouldBshouldCmightDcould3、AwalkBstepCfootDbreath4、AtoolBtoyC


8、ndentDhard15、AthatBwhereCwhatDwhich16、AsaveBexpandCmakeDend17、AyearBmonthCweekDday18、AregretBblameCsorrowDsympathy19、AsharedBignoredCremindedDrid20、AcomfortBcompromiseCgiftDsuggestionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text

9、by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Honesty is the best policy. We may agree that admitting mistakes and behaving in a genuine way is the right way to lead our lives, but is there something in our human nature that makes us immoral? For example, in some

10、shops and car parks you can find an honesty box-a box where you pay for something by putting money in it-but it relies on you putting the right amount of cash in. This relies on people being honest and not trying to cheat but it does provide a temptation to get away with not paying the full amount.P

11、hilip Graves, a psychologist, suggests that this temptation is part of our evolution. He says: “We have evolved with the ability to be dishonest. Its part of our evolutionary psychological make-up-because if we can gain an advantage over the people around us, we have a greater chance of surviving.”S

12、o why do we place such importance on being honest if we benefit from being dishonest? Its because it is selfish behavior. If everybody acted selfishly and dishonestly all the time, the world would be a very unpleasant place. As Philip Graves says: “There is a balance to strike between the extent to

13、which we can feather our own nest, so to speak, and the risk of being ostracized (排斥) by the group.” So, for societies to work together we need to trust each other and therefore we need to be honest.Being trustworthy with money is of course vital for an economy to survive. But being honest with word

14、s is another matter, saying what we think to someone can get us into hot water. However, a new anonymous messaging app has been designed that lets anyone with a link to your profile (简介) to send you a message without knowing who its from. The app now has 300 million users which perhaps indicates how

15、 honest we really like to be-but in all honesty, do you want to know what people think about you? Is honesty always the best policy?1、What does an honesty box require people to do?AGet the change out of it freely. BPut the correct amount of money in it.CDonate the pocket money to others. DPay a larger amount of money.2、According to Philip Graves, being dishonest .Ais a disadvantage Bshould be advocatedCis


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