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1、汶川县2023年考研英语一考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think abou

2、t other people I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a person.I think my started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I

3、was really . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So I tried a(n) . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I to help. That was really a big for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of are still

4、my best friends today.A bigger cause of my new , however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimers disease became my . Every time I came into her room, she was so because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never her, so I took her

5、 place. She let me that making others feel good made me feel good, too. When she died, I was 5 , but I was very grateful to her.I think I am a much person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not these experiences. They have me to care about other people more than about myself. I who I am toda

6、y, and I could not say that a few years ago.1、A since B before C or D unless2、A famous B simple C different D skilled3、A education B career C tour D change4、A balance B. homework C degree D interest5、A talked B wrote C lied D reported6、A careful B lonely C curious D guilty7、A argument B game C exper

7、iment D defence8、A dared B offered C hesitated D happened9、A dream B problem C duty D step10、A us B which C them D whom11、A attitude B hobby C hope D luck12、A friend B partner C guide D guest13、A polite B happy C strange D confident14、A bothered B answered C visited D trusted15、A explain B guess C d

8、eclare D see16、A homeless B heartbroken C bad-temperedD hopeless17、A quieter B busier C better D richer18、A forget B face C improve D analyze19、A forced B preferred C ordered D taught20、A miss B like C wonder D expectSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Ans

9、wer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Plagiarism is the act of representing another persons words or ideas as your own. The offense may be as small as a sentence copied from a book. Or it may be as extensive as a whole pap

10、er copiedor boughtfrom somebody else.Intellectual dishonesty is nothing new. The only difference now is that the Internet has made it much simpler to steal other peoples work. Yet the same technology that makes it easy to find information to copy also makes it easier to identify plagiarism.Teachers

11、can use online services that compare papers to thousands of others to search for copied work. The teacher gets a report on any passage that is similar enough to suspect plagiarism. These services are widely used. T, for example, says it is used in more than 4 countries and examines more than 130,000

12、 papers a day.Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. In schools, the punishment for cheating could be a failing grade on the paper or in the course. Some schools expel(驱逐) plagiarists for a term; others, for a full academic year. Some degrees have

13、 even been withdrawn after a school later found that a student had plagiarized.Accidental plagiarism can sometimes result from cultural differences.At Indiana University in Bloomington, 60 percent of students who use the Office of Writing Tutorial Services are non-native English speakers. The direct

14、or, Joanne Vogt, says some have no idea that copying from published works is considered wrong. She says students from China, for example, may think they are insulting readers if they credit other sources. They believe that educated readers should already know where the information came from.The more you give credit, the less you risk accusations of plagiarism. Any sentence taken directly from a source should appear inside quotation marks. And even if you put those sentences into your own words, you should still give credit to where you got the information.1、Acco


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