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1、考研英语一2023年陕西省延安市延长县统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)As a child I was always good at drawing and art. I won 1 , got constant attention, and even saw my face in the 2 an

2、d on television because of my natural ability to 3 .Most people who 4 to come across something that they are good at are 5 to take it and run with it. Of course, my life was no 6 . From teachers, to principals, to family members, 7 seemingly had a ton of advice to give me in regards to art.All the w

3、hile, my true desire was 8 . I entered poetry, essay, and short - story contests and 9 them all. It was such a contrast from my artistic 10 experience! It was so bad that I 11 a good friend of mine who told me once, “If you are so good at drawing why do you even care about writing? 12 drawing!”Thoug

4、h well intended, eighteen years later Im 13 I didnt take his words to heart. Years went by with me still writing and still occasionally entering 14 .It wasnt until my first year in college that I finally got honorable 15 in a poetry contest. As a writer Ive truly 16 .Im sure there are things in your

5、 life that are 17 and yet, rewarding. Endurance (忍耐), especially when it comes to things you truly love is 18 . Take some time to devote some more 19 to the “thing” that didnt come 20 and see what happens.1、Apraise Bawards Csupports Dsuccess2、Astreet Bschool Cnewspaper Dbook3、Adraw Bact Clearn Dshow

6、4、Awant Bmean Cagree Dhappen5、Aencouraged Binvited Cdeveloped Dpermitted6、Aperfect Bdifferent Csimilar Dlucky7、Aeveryone Bwho Cthat Dno one8、Aart Bfixing Cwriting Dmusic9、Awon Bignored Cmissed Dlost10、Ainterest Bcompetition Ccareer Dtalent11、Ahad Bmade Cfound Dmet12、AGive up BTake in CStick to DPut

7、away13、Aglad Bsorry Csad Dsure14、Atraining Bcontests Carticles Dtrouble15、Aappearance Bchange Cmention Dname16、Aforgot Bregretted Cexpected Dgrown17、Achallenging Bbeautiful Cappealing Dhopeful18、Ameaningless Bpopular Cessential Dpainful19、Aconsideration Benergy Cmoney Deducation20、Ayoung Bbad Cusual

8、 DeasySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 China has entered the cinematic space race. Wandering Earth, the countrys first blockbuster sc

9、ience fiction film, is on track to be one of the highest-grossing (总收入) films in Chinas history.The film has brought in more than 2bn yuan (232m) in the six days since its release on February 5. So far, it is the highest-grossing film released over the holiday season, a peak time for the Chinese box

10、 office.Wandering Earth is based on the work of Liu Cixin, the author of the Three-Body Problem series and the first Chinese author to win a Hugo award.“Wandering Earth fills the gap in Chinese science fiction movies. It means that Chinas science fiction movies have officially set sail,” one fan of

11、the film wrote on the review site Douban.The film is seen by some as the dawn of Chinese sci-fi a genre that has long been led by Hollywood. Several other Chinese-made sci-fi films are due to debut (首映) this year, including Shanghai Fortress, about an alien invasion, and Pathfinder, which follows a

12、spaceship that has crashed on a deserted planet.Frant Gwo, the director of Wandering Earth, said, “2019 could be remembered as year zero of Chinese science-fiction blockbusters. It is not just about one successful movie but about multiple films.”Critics of the film have pointed out the plot holes an

13、d the one-dimensional female characters something Wandering Earth shares with its Hollywood peers.In response to plot criticisms about the necessity of ejecting (喷射) Earth from the solar system, Liu said: “Of course we dont need to escape soon. Thats why its a movie instead of a real-life crisis.”1、

14、Wandering Earth has become Chinas _.Afirst blockbuster sci-fi filmBhighest-grossing filmConly sci-fi film this yearDfirst sci-fi film to win an award2、What is the fans attitude toward the film according to Paragraph 4?ADoubtful.BNegative.CPraiseful.DUncaring.3、Which aspect do the critics think is a shortcoming of the film?AThe theory.BThe ending.CThe special effects.DThe plot holesText 2When was the last time you sent a postcard? The UKs family-owned oldest postcard firm,which has been publishing postcards and calendars since 1880, will close this December. The re


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