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1、2023年南京市下关区考研英语一考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Our teachers tried teaching us about death during nursing training. As a student nurse, I knew I would see death in

2、 my 1 . I had no idea of the 2 it would have on me, 3 .The first person I saw die was an elderly man, John, who had been 4 for weeks. His heart was 5 and the healthcare team was keeping him comfortable and 6 his symptoms. He had stopped speaking days before but was still awake at times, and his 7 wh

3、en we spoke to him was beautiful.When I came on to the 8 one morning, the night staff said he had deteriorated (恶化) overnight and had 9 left to leave. A trained nurse and I gave him a bed bath, shaved him and changed his sheets. For the next six hours I 10 his hand and talked to him. The doctor came

4、 in regularly and asked if he needed more pain relief but he seemed 11 most of the time. He only 12 opened his eyes to smile at me. Early in the afternoon the nurse came back in and we washed his face and 13 his hair. As she was just about to leave the room, she stroked his hair and said:“Oh John, j

5、ust 14 .” Minutes later, he did.It has been 20 years since Johns death. I have seen 15 deaths in my time nursing. I have seen staff go far beyond the 16 of their jobs to 17 that a patient has as good a death as possible. I remember some of the other faces, but none is quite as 18 as Johns. He, and t

6、he professionals who were 19 him, taught me that it 20 how we treat those who are dying.1、AlifeBcareerCmindDfamily2、AimpactBdifferenceCreflectionDaffection3、AinsteadBregardlessCthereforeDhowever4、AinsistingBchallengingCstrugglingDrecovering5、AstrikingBfailingCbeatingDaging6、AcomfortingBdecreasingCdi

7、sappearingDrelieving7、AfaceBeyesCsmileDexpression8、AwardBclassroomChospitalDdepartment9、AdaysBhoursCminutesDseconds10、AheldBreachedChuggedDtouched11、AsilentBpainfulCpeacefulDanxious12、AfrequentlyBoccasionallyChardlyDeasily13、AcombedBtiedCwashedDsmelt14、Acome onBpass awayClet goDgo away15、ApricelessB

8、constantCconsiderateDcountless16、AqualificationsBabilityCexpectationsDexception17、ApretendBassumeCbelieveDensure18、AbeautifulBvividCpaleDscary19、Acaring forBlooking forCbringing upDcheering up20、AtrainsBworksCinfluencesDmattersSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four

9、texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Ferry Services Fare TableEffective from 1st April 2019.Cash Only is accepted onboard our Ferries.Return Fares for Mainland to Bressay;Mainland to Whalsay;Mainland to Yell;Yel

10、l to Unst.All Fares are RETURN - Payable on outbound journey onlyPassengerAdult5.50OAPs (With SIC Pass) & Children up to 191.00Disabled Concessionary SIC Pass Holders0.00Adult 10 Multi Journey Ticket22.70Vehicles - Fares include driverVehicles up to and including 5.50m Return13.60Motorcycles Return1

11、1.00Motorhome 5.5m - 9m20.50Motorhome 9m - 12m23.50Motorhome 12m +27.00Vehicle (5.5m) 10 Journey Ticket90.00Motorcycle 10 Journey Ticket72.00*For Yell to Unst, the fare payable is the same as the other “return fare” routes. However if your journey originated on the Mainland (you have had to use two

12、ferries on the same day or after 18:00 from the day before) then you will only be charged the one fare on Yell. Please retain the ticket you were sold on the Yell ferry for presenting on the Unst ferry.685、How will you pay for your ticket on the ferry?AIn cash.BBy credit card.CWith SIC Pass.DAll of

13、above.1、Which of the following is true?AThe information above is not effective on Childrens Day,2019.BIts free for the disabled without an SIC pass.CThe vehicles fares vary in the sizes of them.DYou can see the fare information for 3 routes in the table.2、Jack (10 years old) and his parents will tra

14、vel from mainland to Whalsay in their car, how much will they pay?A12.00B25.60C20.10D21.003、The best meaning of the underlined word “return” is _.AThe act of giving, putting or sending something back.BPayment or reward for something.CA change back to a previous state.DA ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again.4、How much will be charged if you go from mainland to Yell, then to Unst on the same day?A11.00.B5.50.C6.50.D22.70.Text 2 GOING TO UNIVERSITYis supposed to be a mind-broadening experience. That statement is probably made in comparison to


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