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1、考研英语一吉林省通化市柳河县2023年预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I was travelling between two cities in India overnight by bus.I was 1 to this place.I took an electric tricycle(三轮车

2、),telling the driver to 2 me at a bus stop from where I could get a direct bus to my final destination.I had very little 3 so I let him know that he could drop me at the 4 point.The driver tried communicating with me on the way,trying to judge my 5 .He was also trying to 6 an ATM for me.He wanted to

3、 drop me at home,so he could 7 more money.However,finally he realized I was 8 out of cash and hed better drop me at the 9 stop.This destination was not too far away but realizing that I was new,he had 10 me extra money,which I had 11 , not being aware.At this bus stop,while dropping me off,this driv

4、er was feeling awkward about the 12 I might face by taking a local bus.I had two bags of luggage with me which I would need to 13 on the bus and then from a bus stop to home.The driver didnt drop me off and 14 .He went around finding another electric tricycle for me and 15 I take a full tricycle for

5、 Rs.60 if I could afford it,or else 16 the tricycle with other passengers,paying Rs.30.I chose the latter. He 17 that sharing might not be comfortable.I could see he was doing all this because he was feeling 18 about taking extra money from me.I smiled at his good 19 ,which made him feel wrong at ch

6、eating me,though it was a very small amount.I felt good about the existing 20 standards in the city.1、Aloyal Bsensitive Cnew Dimportant2、Acheat Bdrop Chelp Dvisit3、Acash Btime Cpatience Dluggage4、Acleanest Bbusiest Csafest Dclosest5、Apersonality Bsituation Cprofession Dbirth6、Afind Bbook Crob Dget7、

7、Asave Bsteal Close Dmake8、Agradually Busually Cactually Dfortunately9、Ataxi Bbus Ctrain Dbicycle10、Acharged Boffered Clent Dpaid11、Awritten down Bobjected to Cagreed to Dturned down12、Adilemma Bdistance Cdestination Dopportunity13、Astore Bhide Cpack Dcarry14、Areturn Bleave Cstay Dwait15、Abegged Bcom

8、manded Csuggested Durged16、Arefuse Bbuy Cavoid Dshare17、Ahoped Bdoubted Cinsisted Dexamined18、Ahappy Bbad Cgrateful Ddesperate19、Abody Bhabit Cappearance Dheart20、Amoral Bnational Cscientific DpoliticalSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questio

9、ns below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1While global warming and ocean acidification driven by pollution cause a real threat to sea creatures, climate change is not the primary driver threatening to cause the extinction (灭绝) of large ocean

10、 animals. It is humans that are threatening large sea creatures primarily by hunting and fishing them.Researchers findings reflect a phenomenon experienced by ancient land ecosystems (生态系统). These losses in the ocean are paralleling what humans did to land animals some 50,000 to 10,000 years ago, wh

11、en we wiped out around half of the big-bodied mammals on Earth, like mammoths, mastodons. saber-tooth cats and the like.The increasing threat to large groups of sea animals is a recent phenomenon. The researchers made this discovery by comparing characteristics of nearly 2,500 extinct sea vertebrate

12、s and mollusks alongside others currently in danger of extinction. They found that smaller sea animals were a little more likely than large ones to be killed off during five previous mass extinction eventsthe most recent of which was associated with a small planets strike some 65 million years ago.W

13、hat was surprising to the researchers was that they did not see a similar kind of pattern in any of the previous mass extinction events that they studied.The study shows that a sixth mass extinction, which may already be underway, could kill off larger-bodied animals while leaving smaller ones behin

14、d. That could have a terrible long-term impact.Such removal of the largest animals from the modern oceans, which never happened in the history of animal life, may disturb the order of ecosystems for millions of years even at levels of taxonomic loss far below those of previous mass extinctions.This

15、news should serve as a wake-up call for humans to fundamentally change the way they manage the oceans. That is to say, it is a warning of what will happen if we dont get our act together.Limiting industrialization of the oceans may be necessary to give threatened animals time and space to recover. Most whaling has been banned since the 1980s. We have brought gray w


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