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1、考研英语一蚌埠市五河县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) “Mom, I don t like you,” my two-year-old son said.“Okay.is that 1 you love me?” I asked.“No, you re not lovely.”Tha

2、t night, as I washed my face, I 2 a little longer in the mirrornot because I was hurt by his 3 , but because I noticed there was no light in my 4 .I took out a pen and started writing a lista list to 5 myself; a list to put sparkle(火花)back into my eyes. I once made many lists but 6 accomplished anyt

3、hing. This time would be 7 !The first goal on my list I wanted to achieve was 8 a Polar Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics. On that day, when I 9 into my 1980s workout clothes, Jack smiled, “Mom, you look 10 .” Maybe, just maybe some light 11 my eyes.When coming out of the cold lake I fe

4、lt happy and proud. I kept screaming, “I 12 it !” But one of the most exciting parts of the day was when I stood in front of my 13 , which was taped on the refrigerator door. I 14 item number one. With that, I began to take back my life.Everyone taking part in the Polar Plunge received a 15 . Whenev

5、er I wore it, Jack asked, “Is that your Polar Plunge clothing?” I answered 16 , “Yes!” “I want to do that too.” I was happy he remembered I jumped into a 17 lake, and that he wanted to do activities with me.With each 18 crossed off(划掉) the list, a piece of myself is 19 . Not only am I showing my fam

6、ily it s important to 20 , but I m showing myself that I m worth it.1、AhowBwhereCwhetherDbecause2、AwashedBlookedCstayedDfelt3、AbehaviorBstatementCquestionDrudeness4、AfaceBlifeCeyesDthoughts5、AdefeatBsaveCexplainDteach6、AseldomBalwaysCyetDalmost7、AcompleteBsimilarCunforgettableDdifferent8、Alearning f

7、romBsetting upClooking intoDparticipating in9、AjumpedBchangedCranDburst10、AnervousBcalmCprettyDcold11、Aslid awayBapproached toCgot out ofDcame back to12、AdidBgotCmissedDappreciated13、AmirrorBsonClistDphoto14、AtickedBaddedCbuiltDenlarged15、AsouvenirBmedalCcapDshirt16、ApatientlyBembarrassinglyCproudly

8、Dunwillingly17、AhugeBfreezingCbeautifulDdeep18、AletterBdateCnameDgoal19、AreturningBdisappearingCunitedDcured20、AworkBdreamClearnDshareSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on th

9、e ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Theyre in restaurants,hotels and homes all over the world. The saltwater aquarium, with its colour fish, bring a piece of the wild into your living room.But do you really know where those saltwater fish come from? A full 97 percent, yes, almost all kinds of saltwate

10、r fish cant be bred in captivity (人工养殖). They must instead be taken from the ocean. And how is that done?Most of the time, with sodium cyanide, it is a harmful chemical compound that many fish collectors in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia use to catch fish. They mix it with water and use i

11、t on the fish. Stunned, the fish can then be easily caught.What does cyanide do to the fish? There is a scientific study on cyanides effects. When there is cyanide in water, fish lose their balance and have difficulty breathing. Some fish simply die then and there. Many, many more die on the way to

12、captivity.Although cyanide fishing in the Philippines, Sir Lanka, and Indonesia is not allowed, it sill happens too often. According to the World wildlife Fund, up to 90 percent of the saltwater fish that enter the US each year are caught this way. The Center for Biological Diversity is calling on t

13、he US government to avoid these imports.“Compared to many environmental problems now facing the worlds oceans, this is one that can easily be solved,” said Nicholas Whipps of the Center. “Because the US is such a powerful market player in this industry, the responsibility to stop this practice falls

14、 largely on the United State shoulders.”In the Philippines, private planes bring in cyanide to the fisherman and then take away the live fish. Live fish give the fisherman a better life than dead ones, so more and more fishermen have turned from supplying the fish-for-food trade to the fish-for-aqua

15、riums trade.The Center for Biological Diversity hopes the government will use the law to turn away cyanide-caught fish and persuade people to buy those only raised in captivity.1、What can we lean about cyanide fishing?AIt is within the law.BIt is the main reason why fish die.CIt brings death to many fish.DIt causes health problems for fishermen.2、A fish collector can easily catch saltwater fish when _.Ath



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