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1、2023年百色市考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A Letter to My DadFour years ago we found out about the cancer growing inside you. You told me the news that it had alr

2、eady spread and that you didnt know how long you had 1 .I was still at university. A parent dying was something that happened to 2 people-people older than me. I spent the first few months in 3 . For the first time I felt 4 . I wished I could just 5 you and take the cancer out. But there was nothing

3、 I could do.Weve been 6 . You reacted well to treatment and youre still here, though we dont know for how much 7 .Ive always wanted to say that I love you, and that Im 8 for everything youve given me. But I cant. It feels like it is this unwritten 9 in our father-son relationship that 10 it. Youre a

4、 man conservative and guarded with your 11 . You keep them to yourself and 12 others to do the same.But I know you 13 . Ive seen your proud looks when Ive told you about my 14 at work and school over the years. Ive seen your 15 when things havent gone well. I remember all the offers of help.I wish w

5、e could talk about what we 16 to each other. I wish you could tell me youre 17 and I could tell you I love you. I wish these 18 concepts of masculinity (男子气概) werent so deeply 19 in both of us. Maybe we will still see our way to that 20 before you go. But whatever the case, I just need to say itI lo

6、ve you, and thank you.1、Awaited Bleft Csuffered Dstayed2、Aany Bfew Cother Dall3、Adoubt Banger Cvain Dshock4、Apowerless Bnervous Clost Dbored5、Areach into Bturn to Cstand by Dlook into6、Aconfused Blucky Cactive Dhopeless7、Abetter Bdeeper Clonger Dfurther8、Aeager Bgrateful Cregretful Ddesperate9、Alett

7、er Bword Cidea Drule10、Aprevents Bchanges Cdestroys Dtransforms11、Aillnesses Bfeelings Cbelongings Dopinions12、Arequire Bexpect Callow Dpersuade13、Alie Bunderstand Ccare Dfear14、Aachievements Bdifficulties Cgoals Dexperiences15、Apower Banger Ccuriosity Dconcern16、Ahave Bgive Cleave Dmean17、Aconserva

8、tive Bbrave Cproud Dhelpful18、Aabsurd Bimportant Cuseful Dpopular19、Alost Btrapped Crooted Dcovered20、Asituation Bsolution Cachievement DconversationSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark you

9、r answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Its not common that a grandmother aged 89 is crowned Queen of Icebergs in north America, but when it does happen its quite the sight.On a recent trip to Iceland, Judith Streng became that grandma after her son attempted to take a photograph of her sit

10、ting on an ice structure that looks like a throne (宝座) at Diamond Beach in Jokul. Shortly after Streng sat down to pose, the piece of ice broke off and floated into the water.“I thought it was safe. One girl had been on it and then two girls at the same time, and it was very secure with them. When I

11、 got on it, it started to shake and a wave was coming in. A very large wave came in and made the throne kind of shake, and I could tell that I was slipping off,” Streng told ABC News.Strengs story went hot after her 24-year-old granddaughter Catherine tweeted a text message exchange she had with her

12、 father about the incident. “My grandmother almost got lost at sea in Iceland today!”Catherine, who teaches English in Seoul, South Korea, explained via Twitter that her father described the scene vividly. He has a PhD in English, and described the event in the following words, “She climbed to the t

13、hrone after a wave had pulled back and left it briefly exposed on the beach. Then a wave washed in and removed the ice throne, rocking it from side to side. When the wave left, it lifted the throne and carried her out into the sea with the tide.”Luckily for the Streng family, Randy, a licensed boat

14、captain from Florida with knowledge of water rescue strategies witnessed the whole thing, and was able to save the day.1、Where was the grandma when her son was taking a picture for her?AOn a crown.BIn an iceboat.CAt a throne beach.DOn an iceberg.2、How did Catherine spread this accident?ABy drawing a vivid picture.BBy exchanging tweeter account.CBy talking with her father in Seoul.DBy posting the text message exchange with her father.3、Who saved the grandmother?ACatherine.BStreng.CRandy.DJudith.4、What can be a suitable title for the text?ATaking Pictures Must be Very Dan



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