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1、考研英语一2023年赤壁市深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Not so long ago, a terrible fire broke out in an apartment in die city of Pitesti, just west of Bucharest. In no time, 1

2、 were welcomed by 5-metre-tall flames and roaring smoke. 2 , using their advanced equipment, they quickly brought the beast under 3 .The apartments owner Mr. Petri and his lovely dog, Sandy, were the 4 of the big fire. Local firefighting hero, Costache Mugurel 5 his way through the cruel flames to r

3、escue theman and his pet. Mr. Petri, 6 injured in the fire, was rushed to hospital. Sandy fell over 7 breathing in too much smoke and lifelessly lay on the roadside.Mugurel, remembering his CPR(心脏复苏术)training,passionately 8 the chest of the dog, desperately trying to 9 his life. And he began to lose

4、 hope after many 10 .He was physically and mentally 11 . Finally he performed mouth-to-mouth on the dog, screaming“ 12 gets left behind!”. Unexpectedly the dog 13 himself and began panting. The on-looking crowd cheered and Mugurel began to weep with 14 . He hurriedly carried him to the awaiting vet(

5、兽医).Like 15 , the story of Mugurel and his newfound friend spread around the city. His Facebook was 16 words of gratitude, loving emoticons(表情符号)and notes from friends and fans alike.According to vet experts, recovering animals via CPR is rather 17 The American Heart Association calculates that only

6、 less than 6 percent of cats and dogs survive if they 18 heart attacks.There have been many stories related to 19 in Pitesti, but none have caught the 20 of the population quite like Sandys.1、Afirefighters Bpolicemen Cfriends Dneighbours2、ATherefore BBesides CHowever DMoreover3、Atreatment Bcontrol C

7、stress Dway4、Acauses Bresults Cvictims Dheroes5、Abattled Blost Cpushed Dgot6、Ablindly Bhardly Cslightly Dseriously7、Aafter Bbefore Cin spite of Din case of8、Apatted Bbeat Cexamined Dtouched9、Acare about Btake away Csave Dstop10、Acountings Btrainings Cshouts Dattempts11、Arelaxed Bexhausted Cconcerned

8、 Dtroubled12、ASomebody BEverybody CNobody DAnybody13、Acame up Bcame over Ccame out Dcame to14、Ajoy Bpity Cstress Dfright15、Awildfire Bwind Cdisasters Dsounds16、Ainformed of Blinked with Creminded of Dflooded with17、Acommon Brare Cpractical Deasy18、Acure Bavoid Cmiss Dsuffer19、Afires Bvets Cdogs Dacc

9、idents20、Aattention Bmeaning Cbreath DheartSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A dog found swimming more than 220 kilometers off the coa

10、st of Thailand has been returned safely to land.Late last week, workers on an oil rig(钻井平台) noticed the animal, all alone, in the water. It began swimming toward the side of the rig. The dog was able to get itself onto a solid area.He appeared cold, tired and fearful. The workers lowered a rope and

11、secured it around the dog. Then, they worked together to pull the animal up to safety.The crew that found the dog quickly gave their new friend a name: Boonrod. The name means something similar to one who survives in a disaster in the Thai language.One of those workers was Vitisak Payalaw. He has be

12、en providing updates on Boonrod on his Facebook page. He said it was lucky that the crew noticed the dog in the water. If there had been waves, he said, the animal would not have been seen.No one knows how Boonrod ended up all alone at sea, or how long he had been out there. But Vitisak and others h

13、ave guessed the animal might have fallen off a fishing boat.On Monday, Boonrod arrived on dry land. A team of animal doctors was waiting for him in the southern Thai province of Songkhla. Workers at the Songkhla port also welcomed the dog with neck rubs and a special welcome necklace made of yellow

14、flowers. Many people took pictures with Boonrod.Vitisak wrote on Facebook, Today (April 15), a ship transporting the dog arrived onshore at around 10.am. His overall condition has improved. He is getting stronger and can smile.The dog is now in the care of an animal doctor in Songkhla. The animal pr

15、otection group Watchdog Thailand said he is in good condition and getting stronger. On Tuesday, the group published pictures of Boonrod getting washed and getting plenty of love and attention.Vitisak says that if no one claims Boonrod as their pet, he will take him with him to his home in northeast Thailand.1、What does the d



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