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1、2023年阜阳市考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) After having a child, I found my regular exercise interrupted. I was not only busy: I also lacked the motivation. Solo

2、 gym sessions or some quick 1 following the DVD while the baby sleeps didnt 2 me at all. So I decided to sign up for a hiking 3 in Peru, hoping that it would get me 4 again.Looking over my travel arrangements before I left. I 5 phrases such as “3-hour hike 6 primitive forests” and “sliding with a ro

3、pe down waterfalls”, and I started to feel a little 7 .However, as we made our way through the forests and were 8 with amazing views of 9 waterfalls, this team of strangers 10 me to go on. Being physically active with a group motivated me to reach the 11 or the valley below-rather than simply lying

4、down on the forest floor and giving up, 12 I might have done if I were alone. 13 confirm my experience: Group exercise can really start a new attitude toward fitness. “People get a better 14 in a group than they do on their own,” said Allison Kimmel, a group 15 instructor. Thats because other people

5、 16 both support and competition. “Humans are 17 animals and the shared experience of facing a challenge 18 is compelling(不可抗拒的),” said David Ezell, the CEO of fitness provider Darien Wellness.With the 19 of a group, Im slowly getting back into a 20 lifestyle.1、AsummaryBadditionCexerciseD1ecture2、Ac

6、ontribute toBappeal toCcater toDobject to3、AtripBvoyageCawardDspeech4、AactingBflyingCstudyingDmoving5、AexaminedBscannedCcopiedDdeleted6、AacrossBoverCthroughDbeyond7、AconvincedBdisappointedCdelightedDworried8、ArewardedBcrowdedCcoveredDequipped9、AawfulBawesomeCaccessibleDstill10、AbeggedBforcedCpermitt


8、pmentCincreaseDsupport20、AwealthierBhealthierChigherDricherSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Most young architects particularly those

9、in big cities can only dream about working in a building of their own. And making that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner, Brain Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical-parts film in A

10、tlanta. From the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting (生锈的) walls.In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the citys West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier

11、 and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition (排除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building. The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time

12、 to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there the walls, the rust, and the light.” Yocum said. “Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. Its like an art installation (装置) in therea slow-motion show.”Since the back building had been constructed with

13、out windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a

14、 kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from the decoration of their building, focu

15、sing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.1、According to the passage, it is _ for most young architects in big cities to work in a building of their own.AeasyBunnecessaryCunrealisticDcommon2、Yocum bought the old building because _.Ait was a bargain to himBit was still in good conditionCit was located in the city centerDit looked



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