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1、考研英语一富川瑶族自治县2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Its a family tradition to go to dinner at my grandmothers house for all major holidaysAfter the meal,the youngest chi

2、ldren go to the basement to play games, 1 the remainder of my family withdraw to the living roomFor several years,Id remain at the 2 dinner table,reading whatever book had caught my interestIll never forget the day when this all 3 My aunt came into the dinning room and said,“ 4 that book and talk to

3、 me before I hit you with this fork!”Id been content to remain the attentive listener, 5 nothing,but hearing everythingThen came the 6 that I was antisocial,to which I 7 with a silent smileThere was a time when I foolishly believed my family would accept my preference; 8 ,they seem to believe that t

4、hey should encourage me to 9 In my opinion, Im the only one that has adapted well to the familial(熟悉的)talkativenessWhat would be the 10 of all these voices if there werent someone to shut up and 11 ?My 12 isnt the only thing my family finds puzzlingI would scream“No!”at 2 am 13 a character was horri

5、fically killedI become active at night in summer so I can listen to music,read,and write without the 14 of my brothers and sisters,who seem to think if I want to be 15 they should come near me and make as much 16 as possibleMy family doesnt completely 17 all of my actionsTheyre well aware of what ma

6、kes me 18 is reading while sitting in one of the black comfortable chairsIve 19 that reading a book of any great length would make it extremely 20 for my parents to get me from the chairFortunately they have learned to accept my actions1、Aif Bwhile Cuntil Dthough2、Ahigh Bsmall Cempty Ddusty3、Aimprov

7、ed Bhappened Cfailed Dchanged4、ABurn BFinish CShut DHide5、Aaccepting Bfollowing Cmixing Dsaying6、Acomment Bplan Csecret Devidence7、Acelebrated Bresponded Clinked Dsupplied8、Ahowever Btherefore Cmeanwhile Dbesides9、Alearn Bpaint Cpractice Dspeak10、Aharm Bcause Cpoint Dbeauty11、Aagree Bwatch Cwork Dli

8、sten12、Apain Bdream Csilence Dcuriosity13、Aunless Bbecause Cor Dbut14、Apresence Bcriticism Cidea Dhelp15、Acareful Balone Ckind Dindependent16、Anoise Bmoney Cprogress Droom17、Amiss Bforget Cavoid Dmisunderstand18、Asurprised Bpuzzled Cdelighted Dfrightened19、Aimagined Brealized Creported Dguessed20、Ad

9、ifficult Bfunny Cdangerous DeasySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1A second-grade education has not stopped garbage collector Jose form

10、bringing the gift of reading to thousands of Colombian children.Jose started rescuing books from the trash almost 20 years ago. He was driving a garbage truck at night through the countrys wealthier neighborhoods. The discarded reading material slowly piled up, and now the ground floor of his small

11、house is a makeshift community library stacked from floor to ceiling with some 20,000 books. They range from chemistry textbooks to childrens classics.He says books are luxuries for boys and girls in low-income neighborhoods such as his, with new reading material at bookstores too expensive. There a

12、re 19 public libraries in Bogota, a city of 8.5 million people,.But they tend to be located far away from poorer areas.This should be in all neighborhoods, on each corner of every neighborhood, in all the towns, in all departments, and all the rural areas, says Joes. Books are our salvation and that

13、 is what Colombia needs.The 53-year-old Jose has a love of reading he attributes to his mother.She always read to him even though she was too poor to keep him in school.She used to read me stories every night, said Jose.He has traveled to book fairs in Mexico and Chile to share his experience of sta

14、rting a library with thrown-away reading material. To me, books are the greatest invention and the best thing that can happen to a human being.While Jose still examine the rubbish for additions to his library, his fame as Colombias Lord of the Books has also brought him thousands of donated books. He has sent many to other libraries around the country. That is because he doesnt have room for them all.He says he doesnt reject technology that allows books to be read digitally. But he prefers to read the printed word on paper.Theres nothing more beautiful than having a book in your pocket, in yo



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