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1、晋中市寿阳县2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。LAST weekend, I helped my friend

2、 Alex get money for poor children at Crossroads Mall He 36 needed volunteers, especially of the female. I decided that this was a pretty good 37 , so the next day I got ready to go.I arrived at Crossroads about five minutes 38 , and helped Alex and 39 of the volunteers. There were only three 40 at f

3、irst, and we figured we might as well get started 41 just waiting for more to arrive. I held the 42 , and suddenly felt extremely shy. I did not 43 asking people for donations. In fact, Im usually one of those people who try to 44 those boring stands and ask you for a little contribution. For heaven

4、s sake, I can contribute to a few, 45 I cannot alone 46 every single cause in the world!I really didnt like the idea of asking anyone for donations to our cause. 47 , I watched my friends speak to the strangers, and noticed that they were extra polite to everyoneno matter whether they 48 . I realize

5、d that 49 I wasnt pushy(强求的), it would be okay, and my conscience could be 50 .I pasted on a large smile, and started asking people passing by. My mouth tripped over words, and I continually said “um” while I thought of the correct terms. 51 I talked to more and more people. Not only improved, but a

6、lso started noticing small 52 . Instead of saying “donate”, which made most people walk away 53 .I started suing the word “contribute”. I added the phrase “every little bit counts”, and people started to donate small amounts in larger quantities. As the day went on, I learned how to pull on the hear

7、ts of the 54 , and I became a successful fundraiser.At the end of the day, we all gathered at Alexs house and 55 how much money we raised. I was so surprised; We raised over $300! We celebrated, and went home tired, but satisfied that we helped a great cause.1、AeveryBmuchCdesperatelyDtoo2、AcauseBbus

8、inessCaffairDcareer3、AearlierBearlyClaterDlate4、Athe otherBothersCanotherDthe rest5、ApassersbyBteachersCvolunteersDpeople6、Ainstead ofBbutCin spite ofDin place of7、AsignalBsignatureCsingDsymbol8、AappreciateBlikeCwantDneed9、AannoyBfleeCmeetDavoid10、AandBbutCorDso11、AdoBsupportCmakeDcreate12、AWhats mo

9、reBBesidesCWhateverDHowever13、AdonatedBgaveCcameDpassed14、Aas soon as Bas far asCas long asDas short as15、Aat ease Bwith happinessCin silenceDin surprise16、AAsBBeforeCSinceDDuring17、AactionsBhoopesCwishesDtrends18、AslowBfastCslowerDfaster19、AgoersBpassers-byCstudentsDstrangers20、AthoughtBlooked atCc

10、ountedDdecidedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Once, a lioness and her cub were hunting in the jungle. The baby asked its mother, Mot

11、her, why are we hunting when a deer is already at home?”The mother said, My love! We can t eat that deer because it has surrendered (投降) himself seeking our help. He is wounded and helpless. We must help him.”The baby cub was surprised and questioned again, Why so? Thats our food, we can eat it.”“Ho

12、ney, you are right! Its our food and we can kill him in any second but do you think he deserves to be killed when he has come to-us for protection?”The baby cub couldnt understand her mothers vulnerability(软弱). It kept quiet and paced with its mother. At last, they didnt get anything and came back t

13、o their cave.The deer, on the other hand, was terrified of his own decision of taking shelter in the cave. Unfortunately he had no choice! He was attacked by a hunter and somehow managed to escape. While running for his life, he saw the cave and without a second thought entered it. He had already go

14、t a shot from the hunter. When he realized he was in the lions cave, he gave up the idea of running back again. The deer gazed at the lioness with a pitiful look, tears rolling down He sat there as if he urged for the mercy of the lioness.The lioness came closer to the deer, smelled it and slowly mo

15、ved out of the cave with her cub.When the lions came back, the cub asked its mother to kill the deer again. But the lioness was firm on her decision. She said, Sweetheart! We can-manage one night without any food. Tomorrow, I would definitely fetch out some food for you.”The cub said nothing, grunted(嘟哝)a little.When the cub slept, the lioness whispered to the deer, Run, away from this area because I doubt if I could save you any longer if the next time situation demands!The deer looked


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