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1、考研英语一2023年科尔沁区考前冲刺预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Ali and Abraham were brothers. Their parents died very early. They left for their sons a cow.Ali was cunning (狡猾的).

2、He was 1 , too. Abraham was kind and 2 . He trusted his elder brother. They wanted to 3 their fathers property. Ali said, “I will be very 4 with you, Abraham. You take the front part of the cow as your share. I will take the hind side of the cow. Each one gets his 5 only from his share.”Abraham 6 th

3、e cow very well fresh grass and water. The cow became 7 . It gave lots of milk. Ali got the milk. He sold the milk and got a lot of money. But he did not share the 8 with Abraham. Abraham asked his brother about his 9 of money. Ali replied, “I got the milk 10 my part of our cow. Hind part is mine ac

4、cording to the 11 . Each of us gets the benefits only from his 12 Abraham said nothing.A 13 man advised Abraham. He said something in the 14 of Abraham. The next day Ali was milking the cow. Then Abraham beat the cow in the front part. The cow started kicking. Ali 15 Abraham. “You 16 ! Why do you be

5、at the cow? Do not see me milking the cow?”“The front part of the cow is mine. I can do 17 . That is our agreement,” said Abraham.Ali could not say anything. 18 he agreed to share the money. Abraham said, “Not 19 money. You must also share the work of feeding and taking care of the cow too.” Ali 20

6、.1、Agreedy Bsmart Cdiligent Dcareless2、Alucky Bselfish Chonest Dsensitive3、Asell Bkeep Cdonate Ddivide4、Astrict Bfair Cserious Dpatient5、Aprofit Breward Cprize Daward6、Aknew Bunderstood Cfed Dremembered7、Aenergetic Bhealthy Cactive Daggressive8、Acow Bfood Cmilk Dmoney9、Ashare Bamount Cuse Dsecret10、

7、Afor Bfrom Cof Dto11、Aplan Bdecision Claw Dagreement12、Alabor Bknowledge Cpart Deffort13、Akind Bwise Ccruel Dfunny14、Aear Bnose Cface Dhead15、Aescaped from Bcame from Claughed at Dshouted at16、Aliar Bthief Cfool Dmonster17、Anothing Banything Csomething Deverything18、AFinally BSuddenly CHappily DGrad

8、ually19、Areally Bentirely Cjust Dalways20、Aquarreled Breplied Ccried DagreedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1You may think that the st

9、ory of Pygmalion (卖花女, 1913) - in which people are judged by the way they talk - is something that only existed in the days of British high society. But thanks to etiquette (礼仪) expert and author William Hanson, we realize that little has changed during the past 100 years.In a BBC radio program, Han

10、son released a list of common words used in British English that could reveal whether a person is “common” or “fashionable”.And yet here comes the interesting part: While some of us might go through life using fancy words, dressing in ways that make us appear more well-off than we really are, there

11、are wealthy people in the world who try to hide their riches because they want to be seen as “normal” instead of “showy”.Beatrice, for example, is a New Yorker who inherited (继承) millions of dollars. She told The New York Times that she has a habit of removing the price tags (价签) from her clothes so

12、 her house staff dont see them and feel uncomfortable.“We dont want that Wow.” said Scott, also a New Yorker, who had just inherited over $50 million. “Were just not the type of people who wear it on our sleeve.”1、What does William Hanson find?APeople failed to judge others manner.BPeople judge othe

13、rs by their way of talking.CPeople tend to use more polite words.DPeople meet impolite persons frequently.2、What do rich people prefer to do?ATo hide their richesBTo earn more money.CTo think highly of their wealth.DTo judge others by their wealth.3、Why did Beatrice remove the price tags on her clot

14、hes?ATo show off her fashion sense.BTo change peoples attitude to rich people.CTo pretend to be normal.DTo avoid making people around her uncomfortable.4、What does “it” in the last sentence mean?AThe price tag.BThe brand label.CThe inheritance contract.DThe Times magazine.Text 2 People have grown taller over the last century, with South Korean women shooting up by more than 20cm on average, and Iranian men gaining 16.5cm. A global study looked at the average height of 18-year-olds in 200 countries 1914 and 2014. The results show that while Swedes were the tallest


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