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1、2023年锦州市黑山县考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When Prime Minister Winston Churchill was young, he attended a pub

2、lic school called Harrow. He was not a 1 student. As a matter of fact, hed have been thrown out of the school, if he hadnt been the son of a famous leader. However, he 2 his study at Harrow, went on to the university, and then had a successful 3 in the army. He later was elected Prime Minister and b

3、rought great honor to Britain. Toward the end of his period as Prime Minister, he was_ to address the young boys at Harrow, his old 4 He gave this short but moving speech: “Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! 5 !”Many people_ Abraham Lincoln to be the greatest president of all ti

4、me. Yet it should be 6 how many failures and defeats 7 his early life. He grew up on a small farm. In those early years, his family 8 had a penny and he had only one year of_education. In 1832, he lost his job. In 1833 he 9 in business. In 1835, the woman he loved died. In 1843 he was 10 when he tri

5、ed to enter the Congress(国会).In 1856, he was defeated in the_ for vice president. In spite of these, he didnt 11 , and he was elected President of the US in 1860.Personal history, education, situationnone of these can 12 a strong spirit. Some of the worlds greatest people have_ huge problems and dif

6、ficulties at some time in their lives, but theyve gone on to do 13 deeds. Bury him in the snows of Valley Forge, and you have a George Washington. Make a musical genius_to hear, and you have a Ludwig van Beethoven. Call him_ to learn, and write him off as stupid, and you have an Albert Einstein.1、Ac


8、uallyBhardlyCfairlyDmerely11、AregularBspecialCextraDroyal12、AappearedBopenedCsucceededDfailed13、AlostBdefeatedCvaluedDcared14、AexchangeBelectionCentranceDbenefit15、Amake upBagree withCtake overDgive up16、Ahold backBdepend onCkeep upDapply for17、AansweredBcontrolledCmetDavoided18、AcrazyBsmallCnewDgre

9、at19、AunableBhesitateChopefulDlikely20、AslowBwiseCquickDStrongSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1You cant walk into the office without R

10、ihannas voice singing “work work work work work work” in your head. And that one line from Lady Gagas “Bad Romance” still makes you want to scream. These are commonly known as earworm songsthose sticky tunes that continue to play in your head. A recent study finds that more than 90% of adults report

11、 hearing earworm songs on a weekly basis.Fortunately, most people report earworm songs as pleasant. But others find them annoying or even maddening. “Some people are troubled by them to the point that it disturbs life,” says Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis, a professor at the University of Arkansas who

12、has studied earworm songs.Margulis says earworm songs tend to have some predictable characteristics. For one thing, they tend to small parts of a songnot the whole track. And “the songs youve heard recently also have the most possibility to get stuck in your memory,” she says.But sometimes something

13、 strange and unpredictable can also start a track paying in your head. “Once I was at the doctors office and saw a poster of a man who I thought looked like Gastona character from Beauty and the Beast,” Margulis recalls. A couple minutes passed, and she realized she couldnt get “Be Our Guest”, the s

14、ong in the movie, out of her head, even though she hadnt thought of the tune in years. In that instance, she was able to identify her earworms trigger: the Gaston-looking man in the poster. “But the connections can be really unclear,” she says.Margulis points out that, in all of human history, recor

15、ded music is a very new phenomenon. She says some have inferred that earworm songs are also newthe unintended consequence of being able to hear the same song played everywhere in the same way over and over again. So far, the convincing explanation for why human beings experience earworm songs remains a mystery. But there are some well-established ways to cast off the earworm songs.“Finding a mentally demanding task and putting your mind on it usually sh


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