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1、考研英语一2023年四川省自贡市点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) When I was 13 years old, I stopped speaking. Im still not exactly sure 1 一 I think I felt that words got me into tro

2、uble. The boys in my class were always 2 me, telling me to shut up. One day, I 3 into uncontrollable sobs behind the sports hall.So throughout my 4 , I clammed up一dealing with the wider world only in whispers and shrugs. Myisolation(孤立)led to indescribable 5 that nothing could relieve. I couldnt 6 o

3、r socialise. Then, at 15, a psychologist saw 7 in meShe said I was in intelligent but 8 , and needed to change schools for a fresh start.My parents sent me to a different comprehensive. I knew no one and I had the chance to 9 myself. Cheered by the psychologists 10 in me, I worked hard and became a

4、swot(刻苦学习的人).As a result, my parents were 11 . Finally at 20, I was referred to a psychiatrist and he diagnosed me with a mild form of autism(自闭症).It was such a(n) 12 to know what was happening that I cried on the bus on the way home.It took a further five years to 13 again, a decision that was as m

5、uch a surprise to me as it was to everyone else. I 14 myself hard, becoming more confident. Gradually, I 15 my speech. I definitely get more than usual pleasure from the use of 16 . Its still such a fresh experience for me 17 different wordsones that can sound so complex, and carry so much 18 .When

6、I think of what I have 19 , I feel like crying, but I dont 20 it up anymore. Instead, I enjoy talking about it.1、AwhenBwhyChowDwhere2、AencouragingBteasingCignoringDpraising3、AcollapsedBdividedClookedDlaughed4、AteensBexperiencesCeducationDlife5、AtirednessBboredomClonelinessDguilt6、AwaitBsingCmixDmove

7、7、ApotentialBweaknessCjusticeDambition8、AarbitraryBinnocentCconventionalDinsecure9、AentertainBabandonCcomfortDreinvent10、AinterestBfaithCinvestmentDpatience11、AproudBpassiveCcautiousDcurious12、AsurpriseBembarrassmentCpityDrelief13、AcomplainBconnectCstudyDspeak14、AstruckBdrew NCpushedDrushed15、Aput o

8、utBbuilt upClooked throughDtook down16、AlanguageBknowledgeCwisdomDimagination17、AdiscoveringBunderliningCcompilingDcreating18、AresponsibilityBflexibilityCemotionDdepression19、Aheld on toBlooked forward toCstayed away fromDmissed out on20、AsumBbottleCthinkDpolishSection II Reading ComprehensionPart A

9、Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Seattles Pike Place Market stretches for four city blocks. It includes a collection of old buildings, bunches of stalls and street musicia

10、ns and afters that draw both locals and visitors. The themed market wakes up each day at 5:00 a.m. Among the first to arrive are flowervendorsand fish mongers (小贩) like Jason Scott.My stand is known for its tradition of throwing fish before wrapping it up for a customer. I came back out of high scho

11、ol and Ive been here ever since. Im 46 now.Many Pike Place Market stores are family-run and have been around for generations. Russian-speaking immigrants opened Piroshky bakery 25 years ago. Not a lot of people understand what Piroshky is. People think sometimes its a last name, so we do have to edu

12、cate people a lot. If you go to Russia and you go to a market like this, you could hear the latest scream out - Piroshky, Piroshky and thats why we call it Piroshky.Next to Piroshky is a Chinese bakery called Mee Sumpastry. Its owned by the third generation of the Fong family. They call their signat

13、ure pastry, the best and biggest combos (套餐) in towns. Like Chinese hamburger, you can put chicken or puppy kibble or crispy even vegetable in it.But in thissprawling (无序扩展的) market, one of the most unusual places isnt a food or craft stall. Its the gum wall where people can stick their tiny chewed

14、upclumpon a roll. Apparently, they dont give it much thought, trying to be original. This gum wall started about 20 years ago when the theater asked people not to bring gum inside because they didnt want it under the seats, so people would put gum up on the outside.Market officialsinitially tried to

15、 clear the sticky stuff off the wall, but new gum always reappeared so they finally gave up. The gum wall quickly became a tourist attraction. And just like that, the gum wall turned into an attraction, highlighting a more unusual side of Seattle that locals and visitors love.1、What do we know about Seattles Pike Place Market?AIts small and delicate.BIts tidy and in order.CIts special and attractive.DIts mode


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