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1、考研英语一河北省邯郸市磁县2023年最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My father was a self-taught mandolin(曼陀林琴)player. He could not read, but if he heard a tune several times, he coul

2、d play it. Occasionally, he _ play for the local radio station.Dad loved playing the mandolin for his family. He knew we enjoyed his playing. If he could give _ to others, he would, especially for his family. He was always _ his time and efforts to making sure his family had enough in their life.Lat

3、er, I matured into a man and had my own children. Whenever coming home, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin, for nobody played the mandolin like him. He could _ your soul with tunes coming out of that old mandolin. He seemed to _ when playing, taking pride in his ability to play so well.Unfortunate

4、ly, in 1977. Dad was _ in an accident, leaving his third finger of his left hand wounded seriously. _ he didnt lose enough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything, it did affect his _ to play the mandolin. After the accident, he was _ to play and felt unable to play as well as befo

5、re. Every time we asked him to play, he would make excuses. _, we could persuade him and he would say “Okay. But I cant hold down on the strings and play as well as before.” For the family it made no _. When he played the old mandolin, it would carry us back to a cheerful, happier time.In August 199

6、3, Dad was _ with serious disease. He chose not to receive any chemotherapy(化疗)treatments _ he could live out his rest life in dignity(尊严). A week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for his family. First he made the usual _ again but later said “Okay.”, _ it was likely to b

7、e the last chance for us to hear him playing. He tuned up the old mandolin and played. _, I found everyone in the family _. We saw before us a quiet humble man with an inner _ that lives with him in his life.Dad would never play the mandolin for us again, but we still _ the most valuable gift we gai

8、ned from him, _ he had done all his life, giving.1、AmightBshouldCwouldDmust2、ApleasureBadviceChelpDfavor3、AapplyingBpayingCattachingDdevoting4、AtouchBdiscoverCdeliverDpossess5、AescapeBshineCexistDcalm6、AincludedBabsorbedCburiedDinvolved7、AAlthoughBIfCWhetherDBecause8、AcourageBfaithCabilityDenergy9、A

9、desperateBunwillingCworthwhileDsensitive10、AEventuallyBSuddenlyCGraduallyDConsequently11、AsenseBdifferenceCcontactDprogress12、AcombinedBburdenedCcarriedDdiagnosed13、Aso thatBin caseCeven ifDas though14、AplanBapologyCreasonDexcuse15、ApromisingBnoticingCrequestingDknowing16、ALooking aroundBTurning upC

10、Looking intoDSpeeding up17、AhappyBtearfulCanxiousDdelighted18、ApreferenceBadvantageCstrengthDcourage19、AtreasureBadoptCconsiderDapprove20、AanythingBeverythingCnothingDsomethingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choo

11、sing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 If you buy a washing machine, a fridge or a television in Europe, it comes with a sticker. Thanks to a 1992 EU rule, all appliances must be labelled (贴标签) with their energy efficiency. So why has our food system-which threat

12、ens 10,000 species with extinction, produces about 30% of greenhouse gases, and drives 800/o of our air pollution-only ever had voluntary eco-labels?The appliances ruling had a huge impact; initially, 75% of fridges and freezers were rated G to D(low efficiency) , but today 98% are classed A+ or A+.

13、 Worldwide, the energy efficiency of labelled appliances has increased three times faster than appliances without labels. Introducing an equal system for food could have an even bigger impact.Mandatory environmental labels would change how we produce and consume in far-reaching ways. First, producer

14、s would have to measure their impacts in a uniform way and be accountable for the results. This would not be expensive: it is free to monitor environmental impacts using digital tools such as Field print and the Cool Farm Tool. Second, they support sustainable consumption. Our research found that pr

15、oducts that look, taste and cost the same can have dramatically different environmental impacts. High-impact beef producers use 5,7000% more land and create l,000% more greenhouse gases than low-impact producers. Labels would allow consumers to tell these products apart.They would highlight both high-and low-impact producers, in the same way, across multiple products. This would encourage more people to think about their choices by exposing them to the facts every


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