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1、考研英语一2023年河北省石家庄市晋州市临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A wave of recent research has pointed to the risks of over praising a child. And it seems that how to draw a lin

2、e between too little praise and too much has become a high-pressure _ _act for parents.Self-esteem (自尊) serves as a kind of tool to measure how much children feel valued and accepted by 1 This sensitivity to others 2 develops because of humans need for social acceptance, which is considered to be 3

3、to survival. As early as age 8, childrens self-esteem tends to rise and fall in response to feedbacks about 4 peers see them as likable or attractive. 5 , it can also be beneficial for kids to feel bad about themselves occasionally, if they behave in selfish, mean or hurtful ways that might 6 their

4、ability to maintain relationships or hold a job in the future.In the past, many parents and educators believed that high self-esteem 7 happiness and success, and kids could gain self-esteem simply by getting 8 and awards from their parents, teachers and people around. But recently researchers have f

5、ound self-esteem doesnt 9 these desired results. Instead, if parents praise their kids 10 , their self-esteem becomes focused on being very smart and being the best and being perfect. Building too much self-esteem of the children can not go as planned, making them feel 11 later on when they hit setb

6、acks (挫折).According to some experts, it can actually be good for kids to have 12 self-esteem, at least once in a while. And praise can be 13 if it disregards the world outside the home. Children who have a 14 understanding of how they are seen by others tend to get recovered more readily 15 disappoi

7、ntment, depression or the like. The best path is a 16 road, helping children develop a positive but 17 view of themselves in relation to others by praising them for the 18 they invest and behaviors they are able to sustain, like Its 19 that youre working so hard on your homework. 1、AbalancingBcrashi


9、le downBwork outCgive awayDbring about11、ArarelyBcarefullyCconstantlyDcasually12、AworseBstrongerCbetterDmadder13、AhighBmuchClowDlittle14、ApowerfulBharmfulCgratefulDstressful15、ApracticalBlimitedCbasicDperfect16、AwithBtoCaboutDfrom17、AstraightBsmoothCmiddleDrough18、AgeneralBrealisticCdifferentDnegati

10、ve19、AtalentBtimeCmoneyDeffort20、AnecessaryBawesomeCworthlessDawfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 BillieHarries was an American fig

11、hter pilot who fought to liberate France from the Nazis. He was shot down and killed in July of 1944 over Nazi-occupied northern France. Due to a series of miscommunications, that information never got back to his wife Peggy. As far as she knew, Bill was just missing. She waited, she said, “All of m

12、y life.”Peggy might never have known the true story if a relative hadnt looked into his military records a few years ago. She finally got her local congressman(议员)to reopen his case in 2011. She was shocked to learn that in the town of Les Ventes, the main road is actually called Place Billie DHarri

13、s. Its the same road townspeople have been marching down three times a year for decades to honor his sacrifice. Billie was able to maintain control of the plane, despite his condition, and avoid the village, 91-year-old Guy Surleau, the only witness still living, said. He got choked up just mentioni

14、ng Bills name.At first the town buried Billie in their local graveyard(墓地)and covered his grave with flowers. After his body was moved to the American graveyard at Normandy, the town continued to take flowers to his grave, assuming he had no living relatives to do so.Since learning all of this, Pegg

15、y has been making an annual pilgrimage(朝拜)to France. She visits the nearby woods where the plane went down, accompanied by Surleau. “I like to think that he was still conscious enough to know that a friend stood by him,” Peggy said, standing beside Surleau in the forest. “And this man is that friend.”1、What made Peggy unaware of Billies death for decades?ANo accurate news sent to her.BLetters for her sent to wrong address.CWrong decision made by her relative.DNo postal servi


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