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1、考研英语一2023年吉林省长春市双阳区预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Conservationists are breeding (饲养) lions in the Southern African nation of Zimbabwe. The wildlife experts hope to

2、increase the lion population to keep the great cats from 1 .In some areas, lions and human beings are 2 control of land. Researchers believe something must be done quickly to 3 the animals.The African Lion and Environmental Research Trust (ALERT) has more than 100 4 in its breeding program. Antelope

3、 Park Farm is one of two sites ALERT operates in Zimbabwe.Gary Jones heads the Antelope Park Farm. He says ALERT has become involved 5 a sharp drop in the number of lions. His group believes this has been 6 mainly by humans. There are more people moving to this area every year. The lions have 7 land

4、 on which to live.Gary Jones says the decrease in the lion population affects the whole 8 . He adds that other African nations are also seeing the 9 effects of this.There are countries, 10 in central and north Africa, where the lion population has reached a(n) 11 level. Burundi, a country of east-ce

5、ntral Africa, for instance, does not have lions in its national parks. It 12 wants to have lions reintroduced back into its national parks. The reason is that when you take the lion out of the equation (平衡) , suddenly you get all 13 things start happening with the balance of 14 . For example, you ge

6、t too many prey (猎物) species, like giraffes and zebras. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says 15 animals are threatened when farmers try to 16 their plants or animals.Rene Czudek works for the UN agency. He says his organization has 17 a human-wildlife tool kit (成套工具) that some c

7、ountries are using to reduce 18 between human and wildlife. “In fact the tool kit is a kind of instrument that extension workers can use with the 19 explain to them how wildlife behaves, and then show them what the risky behaviors are, and how they should 20 their fields accordingly,” Mr. Czudek sai

8、d.1、AdisappearingBattackingCchangingDarriving2、Awaiting forBcheering forCcompeting forDlooking for3、AtrainBobserveCcatchDsave4、AgiraffesBlionsCzebrasDantelopes5、Ainstead ofBbecause ofCin place ofDin spite of6、AknownBstudiedCcausedDprevented7、AlessBworseCmoreDbetter8、AenvironmentBbackgroundCindustryD

9、position9、AimmediateBpossibleCmagicalDdisastrous10、AusuallyBfinallyCgraduallyDparticularly11、AacceptableBworryingCreasonableDnecessary12、AfrequentlyBsimplyCnaturallyDdesperately13、AsmallBsimilarCstrangeDideal14、AnatureBbodyCpowerDtrade15、AliveBwildClargeDtrapped16、AprotectBmoveCuseDimprove17、Aput up

10、 withBcaught up withCcome up withDkept up with18、ApressureBdistanceCspeedDconflict19、AfarmersBworkersCgardenersDexperts20、AclearBwaterCfindDplanSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your ans

11、wers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Thompsons ChildrenAs her son Cameron sits at his laptop completing a task for his math degree course. Alison Thompson, a full-time mum is busy helping her daughter Emma (two years younger than Cameron) get dressed. While help has always been available for E

12、mma, Alison and her husband also have to fight to get Cameron the support he needs.People could see that Emma has special needs but because Cameron was doing so well at school, his teachers never thought there was a problem with him, “says Alison.It took Alison and her husband a while to realize the

13、ir son was different. Camerons ability didnt become clear until he began primary school. Once he even corrected the teacher when she told the class that zero was the lowest number. Cameron told her she was wrong because there were negative numbers(负数). He was four at the time. Now 14-year-old Camero

14、n is at secondary school, studying for a distance learning math degree with the Open University, having sailed through his GCSE at 11 and his A-level at 12, achieving top grades.Bethany, another daughter of Alison, is bright too but not gifted. She is the one who will remind absent-minded Cameron to

15、 put on his coat. She also helps him out in social situations.Emma attends a specialist school and the family is quick to celebrate her successes too.“The other day she did up the buttons on her coat, which was real progress,” Alison says.Late last year the Thompsons took part in a television documentary(纪录片) to prove that not all gifted children are the result of extremely ambitious parents. Gifted children need support too, but their lives d


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